Masked... hmmmmmm
To prevent doxxing, death threats against themselves, their parents and families and employers being pressured to terminate them.
Iirc, Poal even had a post a while back of a PF member that anifa identified through his social media, and then began an online campaign to dox him , get him fired and posted his home address in the hopes someone would - quote - 'pay him a visit' and then advised anyone who did should be prepared to 'self defense themselves against the nazi' because he's obviously a violent racist.
The guy responded by telling them, good luck trying to get me fired because i'm self employed and thanks to them his job as a stone cutter/ masonry craftsman, work has taken off with locals wanting him to do their stuff, and 'when ever you pussies want pay me a visit , you know where i live'.
The classic coronaronadingdong disguise to burn loot murder and antiwahhh:
facial mask or balaclava, aviators, bandana, hoodie.
It's funny how this is a normalized look now in this dystopian world.
Imagine walking in a bank like this 5 years ago; it would be an instant taze, a warning to get down, an arrest or even a gunshot. Now you can because of "muh pandemic!!!" (Which doesn't even exist). It was the 12000th and change variant of the common flu.
(post is archived)