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DO YOU NIGGER? (pic8.co)

#**[DO YOU NIGGER?](https://pic8.co/sh/ltwIiP.png)**

(post is archived)

[–] 14 pts

Support staff? Paid by the taxpayers so you can walk around like an ugly freak annoying the neighbors? I could use a support staff to clean my toilets and paint my house.

[–] [deleted] 6 pts

"Support staff" are probably his very disappointed parents.

[–] 5 pts

That would be fine with me. It seems that every freak with a mental illness gets free housing and help from social services so they never have to face the reality of cleaning toilets or earning a living.

[–] 4 pts

Think they vote?

[–] 4 pts

Dress like a female and pretend you're not packing a penis, testicles, adams apple and prostate gland. Worked for him.

Punch him in the adams apple and say

"Nice tits faggot"

[–] 0 pt

I could use a support staff to clean my toilets and paint my house.

It's called a wife. Faggot.

[–] 6 pts


If I was snorkeling in the keys and this manatee swam by, I'd shoot the fucking thing with a speargun.

[–] 3 pts

But the big question is: "Do you like chocolate milk?"

I'll drift off now.

[–] 2 pts

Here you are sir, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and a large glass of chocolate milk. Will there be anything else? Yeah. LOOK AT THOSE FUCKING FLIPPERS ON THAT FUCKING HOMO

[–] 1 pt

Did you notice how those flippers were angled?

[–] 3 pts

Same angle as the 'Admiral' levine photo?

[–] 2 pts

Now that you mention it, yeah. Man flippers.

Just run over it with your boat propeller like any self respecting Floridian would do!

[–] 6 pts

The woman absolutely thought "That's some kind of innuendo. This freak is dangerous. He needs to get the fuck away from me."

That's not a normal interaction to have with your new neighbors. It goes beyond "social awkwardness" caused by his autism.

What you look like truly does matter. I know most of us who grew up in the last 3 decades have been thoroughly conditioned to believe "Don't judge a book by its cover", but I think most of us have shaken that bullshit notion. You absolutely can judge a book by its cover- what a person presents themselves as speaks volumes about who they are or want to be. And if some freakish, fat man with fucking pigtails wearing a dress approaches a stranger, that stranger will be very uncomfortable.

I might have threatened to make him leave, in the same situation, without mention of the police. I'd be sure to let him know that there'd be problems if I saw him lurking around my shit. And he'd cry and cry to his "support staff".

Boy, would I like to talk to this retard's "support staff". I'd like to see if I could make them feel terrible shame for encouraging this madness in this guy.

[–] 2 pts

Why are it's support staff letting it wander the neighborhood? If we're paying them to handle it, society should get their money's worth.

[–] 6 pts

That's hard on the eyes.

[–] 2 pts

Shut up or I'll assign you to it.

[–] 3 pts

You do not have the proper permissions set.

[–] 5 pts

If they changed the definition of passing to be getting a grade over 5%, this fag still fails.

[–] 4 pts

I went into a local eye care / glasses store a few months ago because my wife was buying glasses from them. They said because they were a doctor office, masks were required, to which i said I would leave. As I’m turning to walk out, I looked down at the “women” in a dress with jacked up hair being helped with sizing frames. They looked up at me and it was a FUCKING MAN!

I was honestly shocked by their grotesques appearance and brazenness to be in public like that and said loudly “Oh shit, you’re a MAN!” with a disapproving look and then laughed.The whole place froze and looked at it as if they were seeing it for the first time. I saw that person die a little inside as I shook my head and walked out.

They need to be called out for their hideousness and insanity by every normal person so people understand that it is NOT acceptable. Also at a minimum they need to hide their deviancy or seek treatment.

[–] 2 pts

F ing weirdo needs mental help

[–] 2 pts

Ain't gonna get any actual help from the kiked system. All they will do is coddle and "affirm".

[–] 2 pts

Support staff - what the fuck? 50 years ago these freaks would have had the degeneracy beaten out of them long before adulthood if it even manifested in the first place.

[–] 1 pt

”I have autism and Tourette’s and ocd”

Ok, so this is a person who has diagnosed mental issues..mental issues to the extent that there is SUPPORT STAFF LIVING WITH THEM, which I assume we’re all paying for.

So basically, some sick fuck “doctor(s)” and/or “psychiatrist(s)” have approved - if not encouraged - that a mentally ill person undergo a gender transition.

That is fucking abuse of a mentally ill person. There’s no other way to look at it.

100%. Of course, sterilizing this guy isn't the worst thing that could happen to him but the trannification is evil.

Once upon a time they would house these non-productive mental fuck-ups in mental institutions. It made them less of a burden on tax payers, kept them off the street and away from our kids and the public bathrooms.

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