Oyyyyyy Veyyyy the goyim are noticing our protected species!!
its not a london group, but a british one. At least many of them are aware of the race element of it. If your in europe maybe support them. Britain First https://gab.com/BritainFirst
Reddit is an enemy operation to promote and protect social warfare programs.
Like Twitter only fukwits use preddit
There's still good people on there. There's a lot more shitty people now. Went down hill after Aaron Swartz tied the knot.
2015 was when I noticed how toxic, dishonest and mind controlling it was.
Some people eat shit and talk about how there is still good in shit.
Me, I eat healthy both body and mind.
Avoid reddit like you'd avoid eating shit
yep, reddit is owned by communist china after all. Just like tik tok.
There is no such thing as free speech anywhere anymore, including reddit. The globalists won, the Whites lay dormant and the shitskins rolled in. At least the Third Reich actually fought back. I'd join a proper organized militia in under 5 seconds if there was one so the People could secure the borders and purge the criminal illegals and only supported White European immigration. Possibly Japanese and Koreans too.
It's finished and we are done. They opened the floodgates, nobody took action. Now we are infested in a full blown collapse.
The globalists won...
Jew bankers, the UN, NATO etc.
Unfortunately, free speech has always been under attack. Evil people who want to control others has always been around. It's nothing new, which is why the founding fathers wrote down rules about it.
I guess we reached a peak of freedom at some point, and it has since declined, but there's always been this war against people that want to control what we can, and cannot say.
But of course, this is especially evident now that we have it all on record. The dumb, self-centered, selfish, narcissistic, holier-than-thou, non-binary commies online are among the worst perpetrators, but they aren't the most effective. They only have power within their little bubbles. We're stronger than them, and we shouldn't give up. Their strength, and intelligence is an illusion.
We can win if we stay vigilante, and keep on fighting. Remember that you are not just one. You are one of many. The bastards you meet that hate freedom are fewer than us. But their game is to get us to believe that they are the majority. They are not. They are stupid, pieces of human garbage, and their numbers are dwindling.
This majority needs to rise and then I promise I'll be in the forefront. I just know I cannot be the Commander and Leader due to my health and younger age. Not enough experience. Never served. Only hunts and gun ranges. Got my first buck at 14 though.
In all seriousness.
Who else is going to loot?
It's those damn redguards again.
They invaded Skyrim and now the Bretons are under siege by the shitskins too. We're losing the war.
(post is archived)