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[–] 7 pts

Also gaming was more elitist back in the day. Noerds played and bought the games. Noerds determined what games succeeded economically. Games had to target high IQ elitist nerds.

Now gaming is mainstream even niggers and women game.

In fact, this is the exact same problem that affects all areas of culture.

[–] 6 pts

Who doesn't remember classic titles such as Mike Tyson's Punch Out?

It's named after a nigger so one might accidentally think it's a niggerlicious game. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

I remember how we beat Tyson back in the day. It was incredible, not because Tyson was a hard-ass boss, not because he was almost unbeatable, but because he was a nigger! We loved beating the shit out of a nigger.

Punch Out is the most white supremacist game there will ever be. The morale of the game is that even the smallest skinniest little white dude can take out the meanest biggest nigger in all of existance!

[+] [deleted] 1 pt
[–] 0 pt

Fun fact, it was an arcade game that was ported to the NES. The original Arcade cabinet did not have Mike Tyson and he was added in to the port because of his fame.

[–] 0 pt

white kids have learned to beat that entire game blindfolded.