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[–] -1 pt

Isn’t it in the Bible? Like, very clearly written?

[–] 9 pts

When Pilate saw that he could prevail nothing, but that rather a tumult was made, he took water, and washed his hands before the multitude, saying, I am innocent of the blood of this just person: see ye to it.

Matthew 27:24

Fucking mong

[–] 1 pt (edited )

So if I kill a guy, or order his death, then wash my hands and declare that I'm not guilty, I'm absolved of the guilt for what I had done?

Good to know.

What I would say is that both the romans who had physically done the deed, and the jews who had commanded that the deed be done, would both be guilty of the death of Christ, and whatever they say or do has nothing to do with how guilty they are for their role in his death.

But that's just me, being sane.

[–] 2 pts

There may be some culpability, but this isn’t a 50:50 share of the blame. Try 90:10 with the Jews to blame.

[–] -1 pt

What’s this mean? That one person wasn’t involved or refused to be named in the involvement?

[–] 3 pts

If he didn't kill Jesus the crowd of kikes would cause a riot leading to more death and destruction.

[–] 6 pts

Found the kike

[–] -1 pt

All I’m saying is, isn’t it the Romans who get credit for driving the nails, raising the cross, and spearing his side? Am I missing something here?

Besides, Jesus was destined to die for the sins of mankind. It was going to happen and it was supposed to. If theJews killed him then they literally did the goyim a favor. I’d rather have the Romans do it.

[–] 3 pts

Brah Pontius Pilate gives the jew crowd the choice of who to spare and they choose Barabbas the murderer.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

No, maybe it's time to re-read that section. lol

[–] [deleted] 3 pts (edited )

It's clearly written and recorded that it was the jews decision and that Pilate washed his hands of it.

[–] 0 pt

It was the elite Jewish Sanhedrin and their rent-a-mob who howled to crucify Jesus. Pilate was a coward who caved into the mob.

[–] 0 pt

Also written and recorded that Jesus was a kike who considered himself king of all kikes, the kikes wrote the bible, kikes led Christianity through its beginnings and even to this day.

[–] 0 pt

Which version, from which publishing house, from which century ?

Ever play the game "telephone" ? Now do it over 1400 years, across 7 continents , and through publishers who have destroyed countless books that they found "offensive'.

If you read the bible as anything more than a social guide for "a more moralist society...with child brides and prostitution being perfectly fine"...I mean if you're trying to use it as a fucking historical document....then there's no hope for your brain. It's likely suffering from intelligence deficiencies already.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt (edited )

The problem with the Bible is ChristCuchs teach as simple to understand. Unless one studies it in context of ancient history of the region, human migratory patterns and along with the other "books" left out of it...it bears little fruit in real understanding. Secondly, churches teach the easy parts easy for slumbering goyim and skip the "Synagogue of Satan" testimony. We were taught in the Methodist tradition to honor the Catholic Church and forgive the jews because they didn't know he was God. Complete bullshit if you pardon the expression. God will spew them out as tepid. I have nothing more to do with false teachers.

[–] 0 pt

Then why do you people worship satan. If belief in the divine is insane, so is the belief in the occult, by your logic. All jew secret societies are basically day-care centers for retards. Dangerous retards.

[–] 2 pts (edited )

Who the fuck is "you people" ?

I'll continue and explain that those people aren't worshiping anything but themselves. They don't want to follow the right path as it's hard and they see that worshiping the pleasures of the flesh is not only easier, it's now trendy and leads to higher positions of power.

That's really "evil" in a nutshell, no horned deity, no mastermind of deception, no hooved pitchfork wielding and spike tailed figure....it's all just people serving themselves instead of God . In their minds they've rationalized it and reasoned with it and accept that its THEM that's deserving of praise and glory.

I didn't say anything about belief in the Devine being insane, I said RELIGION is heresy, written from 1400 (or further) years ago and during that time the "word" has changed possessions countless times, been written and rewritten from memory or completely made up. Some of the older books were outright destroyed and others have been hidden in "holy houses" so the public can't see what's written on them.

Power over masses of people just needs some words. "laws", "doctrines" , "creeds", "prayers"...it's all the same. It's submission of life and will.

There are simply too many "proofs" of a God's existence, but those who don't seek to find them never will and those who know where to look can't stop seeing them. The problem gets to be when people worry and bother themselves about the fairy tales and stories....when people seek answers to that, they will never be satisfied or pleased because it's not meant to hold answers, only hold your resolve and spirit.

Jew "secret societies" were always held in secret because society didn't used to put up with their shit and would (rightfully) oust their bullshit upon first whiff. It wasn't until later that they decided to gain positions of power within countries before they would use those positions to influence societal change ...from there they would then yield power to control the people who would be in charge of ridding them from the lands.

Like islam, never forget that anyone can 'convert" to be a jew, but JUST LIKE islam...they're not seen as "real" members are are more like the most faithful servants and meant to be used as a buffer between them and the gentile (whites) . Anyways, it's way more insidious than simply being a 'day care for retards". Never confuse determined jealousy for stupidity. That's all these niggers are....they're jealous. Whites are closer to God than they ever will be because we're pure (not our actions, our souls at birth) and they loathe us because no matter what they do and no matter what we do, they'll always be beneath us

TL:DR - God exists
- "Satan" is the simply the absence of God (within) - Religion (all of them) are tools for a very small group to control the masses through fear - Stop worrying about what others think, feel, or do (as long as it doesn't oppress if it does physically deal with them as a community/people)

It really is this simple.

Stop being argumentative about a subject you clearly have little knowledge.

[–] 0 pt

I just love getting trad cucks riled up about clearly known facts concerning their cucked faith. It’s always entertaining seeing all the revisionism they believe to avoid the cognitive dissonance of simultaneously hating Jews and worshiping a Jewish demigod.

[–] 0 pt

Literally only a Jew would make such boasts while lying at the same time. I see you are properly marked.


[–] 0 pt

How do you know he has little knowledge, eh, eh? Can I have a citation from a reputable source for this claim?