Why should sexual deviants who molest children have special rights?
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PotatoProfessor 1085 points 2 days ago
Big government Republicans are at it again. Always wanting government to dictate how we run our lives.
Yeah, the RIGHT wants to dictate how people live and totally not the jab mandating unborn killing demanding you eat bugs to stop climate change left....
I thought the one claiming the people who support this law are religious. Just poor religious people grasping at the last bit of control they have over the world. I'm not even religious and support this.
I thought the one claiming the people who support this law are religious. Just poor religious people grasping at the last bit of control they have over the world. I'm not even religious and support this.
Decency and morality are only for the religious? You do know being against decency and morality is also for the religious? That's called Satanism and your awareness that you are practicing it is not required and even discouraged in order to increase the overall amount of evil in the world.
I had to edit my comment, I added this part: Yeah, the RIGHT wants to dictate how people live and totally not the jab mandating unborn killing demanding you eat bugs to stop climate change left....
The left is full of gaslighting and outright lies to support their twisted immoral views.
The left dictate's us to live in a forced outcome-equality communist state.
The left dictate's us to live in a forced outcome-equality communist state.
They no longer even pretend to want equal outcomes. They demand "equity" which means unequal outcomes with the advantaging going to their pets and themselves.
(post is archived)