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Original comment in the submission screenshot; https://old.reddit.com/r/BikiniBottomTwitter/comments/pabtlw/sigh/ha3ypll/ = https://archive.md/P0X6z Second comment of the same; https://old.reddit.com/r/SelfAwarewolves/comments/p9ovdx/why_would_anyone_need_something_like_that/ha0jco6/ = https://archive.md/l4vQO

(post is archived)

[–] 0 pt

Can you explain how they think that works?

[–] 0 pt

The old idea before Delta was that only unvaccinated people could catch and spread the virus. The virus adapts by infecting people and being spread around. Only those viruses with certain mutations to escape the immune response and make them more infectious win out in this brutal Darwinist game. Before Delta, the "scientists" were saying that the vaccinated could not be infected at all and therefore these variants with these super mutations were not coming from them. Now we know that is not the case. The vaccinated can create and spread variants.