When all you have is a yarmulke, everything looks like an interest rate.
Won't load for me, but if I remember correctly, the best part about this was how NO ONE mentioned jews or anything antisemitic and this Katie kike came out of nowhere and suddenly accused everyone of antisemitism. Remember, jews are super intelligent. lol
The op was talking about how disgusting all the incest porn is and asked how to block it from showing. Katie pops in with the antisemite card tipping her hand that it is a Jew pushed degenerate agenda. Everyone knows it is the step after interracial or was that trannies?
Reddit has become the prime outlet for jewthink in the last 2 years.
Surprising amount of downvotes for reddit trash.. I wonder how big katie's nose is
This is from two years ago. Got anything more current on this, fellow White person?
Come on, guys. It's not the exact thing everyone is thinking, it's the opposite... or something.
It's hilarious she touches on precisely the thing that's happening and just says, "but that's not true it's just 'antisemitism'". So now we get to ask, "well, should we be prosemitism in light of this?..."
As I've said for years, the aim of MindGeek is sexual control, Libido Dominandi. The pattern is clear - slowly roll out more and more degenerate shit until, eventually, all young boys are in an endless horny stupor and all of our daughters are child play things of the men "in charge".
Job well done on your ejaculation, Timmy. You picked a great porn, too. We've deposited five more monopoly monies in to your account. You're almost on a streak; if you get three more today, you'll be given a booster: your next five deposits get one extra monopoly money.
Boy, doesn't the future sound fun? We're just begging for a real life pornographic Black Mirror episode.
(post is archived)