"...and that's why all white people must go."
"In other news today, we have nothing else to report. Some people did some things but we cannot report on those things or those people."
The nightly news not long in the future from now. Pretty much a 15 minute time slot reminding everyone how evil white people are, and nothing else.
That's essentially all it is now mixed in with feel good stories no one gives a fuck about and some advertising
It's all advertising.
We are already at a point where there's a social media algorithm that looks at "viral" posts and then determines what news cycles need to address in order to continue to feed the narrative. There's only a certain number of people that witness live events well enough to retell them and be trusted; as the distance or eye witnesses increases and the number of people in between the eye witness also increases, the narrative loses value by orders of magnitudes.
So, we'll hear of something happening, there will be social media posts about it, and the news cycles will already be explaining it away.
(post is archived)