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Their claim is that sex addiction doesn't exist, sex being always good and never having any downsides means that sex addiction is a delusion invented by sex hating christian "evangelicals". Never mind the fact this guy was squeezed completely dry by prostitutes because he was addicted to sex with prostitutes. Johns have been spontaneously murdering whores from the begining because they got hooked or caught feelings and ran out of money, the oldest occupation's oldest occupational hazzard.

Reddit is a hive of religious bigotry

37.8k upvotes Their claim is that sex addiction doesn't exist, sex being always good and never having any downsides means that sex addiction is a delusion invented by sex hating christian "evangelicals". Never mind the fact this guy was squeezed completely dry by prostitutes because he was addicted to sex with prostitutes. Johns have been spontaneously murdering whores from the begining because they got hooked or caught feelings and ran out of money, the oldest occupation's oldest occupational hazzard. Reddit is a hive of religious bigotry

(post is archived)

[–] 2 pts 4y

He's a"reformed" jew became Baptist 2017

[–] 0 pt 4y

Sauce? Cause he sure looks like a hook nose

[–] 2 pts 4y

Yeah they did not do this when an asian atheist shot up their school. Which was that? It was west coast around 2013

[–] 0 pt 4y

If parents were scared of any school shooters they wouldn't send their kids to school, because that would be abusive insanity. They're full of shit when they say they're so concerned they need take take away everyone guns except the criminals and nuts.

Random men occasionally beat up or kill hookers and have been doing it for all time. No law or oversight is ever going to change that, because biology doesn't answer to imbeciles with a pocketful of Freud and much too much inflated self esteem.

When someone sells their body for the sexual use of any stranger with money, they become things. The only difference between a whore and a punching bag is that the punching bag has more of the human dignity about it than a whore.

The idea that men use whores is accurate, but whores use men's sexuality for their own greed, and idiot indoctrinated feminists have to be reminded of that constantly.

[–] 1 pt 4y

And the media paints this as Asian hate. Not a piety or morality.

Let that sink in.

[–] 1 pt 4y

... If he's sleeping with prostitutes, he's not a very good Christian. I doubt fundamentalist Christianity was a motivating factor for many of his actions considering this flaw in logic.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 4y

Christian fundamentalism does destroy lives...

Of those that don't fucking deserve to live.

Every whore will be shot and it'll be a glorious day when we run out.

[–] 0 pt 4y

This guy was a democrat "reformed jew" who converted and joined a baptist church.

Personally though I think we should manage resources better, non white whores can have a free ticket back to their homeland ao they can be subverted, white whores will be divided into subclasses, all the race traitors will be branded, coal burners shipped to africa to fuel their sex trade, and everyone else will be placed into a whorphanage where incels can take these women as basement wives and chain them to a radiator. We will place the remaining race traitors with non white incels. the lottery for access to the whorphanage will have a weighting based on IQ and congenital health. Thus racially subverting our racial opposition, whitening them in preparation for genetic engineering, and giving our incel class a second chance(most exist as a product of kike subversion) all the jewish whores should probably just be killed, I don't imagine they would subvert israel enough and would probably just move to europe after being sent back to kiketopia if we didn't, maybe remove their uteruses and ship them back.

[–] 0 pt 4y

Via the name, it is a sarcastic account.

[–] 1 pt 4y

The same sentiment had 40k on r/atheism.

[–] 1 pt 4y

Does that mean it isn't sarcasm?