WelcomeUser Guide

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If you want, feel free to comment with your banned accounts, and the reasons you got banned.

If you want, feel free to comment with your banned accounts, and the reasons you got banned.

No; I'm a faggot who hasn't gotten banned at least once.
No; I've been formerly banned from Reddit but I haven't had any accounts permabanned yet.
Yes; I have a temporary ban on one of my Reddit accounts that hasn't expired yet.
Yes; I have a permanently banned Reddit account.
Yes; I'm a chad who has gotten IP banned from Reddit.
Fuck You!

(post is archived)

[–] 4 pts

There are many good-faith and legitimate users on Reddit for discussions about non-political topics, and Reddit has the largest userbase, but sadly:


A censored one.

Some powermod called Ani625 first automod-shadowbanned me from /r/AppleSucks. Shortly after I filed a report on /r/ReportTheBadModerator, I got site-banned. Probably because Ani625 is closely associated with Reddit administrators, thus receives preferential treatment. (More information)