I accept this offer under one condition, @boone returns the bike of mine.
Keeping track of banks who practice usury and providing regular updates to the soon-to-be "National Schindler's List Index" (NSLI)
- Appropriating money from offenders reported in the NSLI, in accordance with budgetary requirements, as needed to provide for a military, border defense, the SS "pedo patrol", and other necessities.
I like NAPALM. North American Pedophile Assassination League Movement
I should note though, I fully support sending the US's nukes to israel.
@boone returns the bike of mine.
Ooof, big ask. @Boone you do have the opportunity to filibuster ...
I think we can agree on NAPALM. We can get the military to work on a neat-o patch.
I should note though, I fully support sending the US's nukes to israel.
Hmm. When you say "send", do you mean "launch at" or "ship to"?
Possession is 9/10ths of the law. I will defend my bike with the maximum force allowed under the law.
Pretty sure possession is 9/11th of the law under our proposed legislation.
@Anticlutch, what if we reappropriated some bikes for you from NSLI offenders?
(post is archived)