Prohibited use
To engage in any other conduct which, as determined by us, may result in the physical harm or offline harassment of the Company, individual users of the Website or any other person (e.g. “doxing”), or expose them to liability.
Liability as in they don't want bad publicity when in the off chance a suicidal person does kill themselves.
Don't give a fuck. Gab isn't free speech then. There is ZERO liability to be had by them or myself if I tell someone to kill themselves and they do.
...may result in the physical harm...
My words have ZERO causal ability to present as harm in any individual. EVER. AT ALL. So not only are they wrong, they're retarded.
You're confusing "free speech" with "unlimited speech."
Free Speech ! = say anything you want.
Free Speech = say anything you want as long as it is not illegal/against official policy.
Unlimited Speech = Saying anything you want with 0 legal restrictions.
Encouraging self-harm is illegal speech.
Once everyone understands this, we can start having conversations about free speech.
(post is archived)