Good post.
I don't like to use the words 'Pharisee' or 'Judea'. I agree with you, and nothing wrong with those, but that implies a specific belief and knowledge of the Bible which most church attending Christian's don't have. (Not to mention those who don't attend church...)
I tell people IRL, I'm 'pro-semitic' and that means I abhor the modern nation of Israel and how they persecute the Semitic peoples who have lived there for ~3000 years.
This causes lots of confusion so I proceed to share how the Ashkenazi (who control the Israeli government) are from modern day Turkey and are not decedents of Shem, so not Semitic peoples (and, it follows, not decedents of Abraham.)
I then link the 'apartheid' of South Africa (which they all have a blind knee jerk reaction to) to Israel and the settlements. This part is easy as apartheid = bad in the minds of most Americans.
Then I share how not all Ashenazi are bad people, but culturally morally bankrupt. And (most importantly) a % of these people are true followers of Lucifer and are the same people who control the ZOG and their media interests. I link the modern wars to these agents of Lucifer.
With that understanding, and if any Christians are still listening, I circle back to such topics as the Abrahamic Covenant (Genesis 12) and the Synagogue of Satan ( Revelation 2 & 3).
Then I can really go deep and throw in how the Holocaust is a lie and all the evidence there. This is the fun part.
Sadly, my wife doesn't want me go to many dinner parties these days. :)
(I should add: some of the above takes 3-4 settings to cover. We are deprogramming minds, so sometimes small bites are better.)
(post is archived)