I remember that page I was reading a week or so ago from a link here. That devils and demons are translated to accusers and prosecuters. A lot of stuff today is seen under a different light when those things are known.
Ashkenazi are not any of these
I thought he was from Galilee? A Galilean?
Judean=Judah=Tribe of Judah
Judah is one of the tribes of Israel.
Therefore, Jewish.
Jesus was a Jew. Paul was a Jew.
Pharisees were Jews.
Jesus rebuked Pharisees. Not because they were Jewish, but because they were corrupt, lying hypocrites who didn’t serve God and took advantage of people.
Yes Pharisees still exist and call themselves Jews.
I’m willing to hear where I’ve got it wrong, if in fact I have.
Judaea was a province of Rome. A Judahite is of the tribe Judah. They are not the same. All sorts of people lived in judea, not all were judahites
Don't reply to jew posts.
"The name originates from the Hebrew name Yehudah, a son of the biblical patriarch Jacob/Israel, with Yehudah's progeny forming the biblical Israelite tribe of Judah (Yehudah) and later the associated Kingdom of Judah" -
Jude [ˈjuːdə] IPA Pronunciation Guide MASCULINE NOUN Word forms: Juden genitive , Juden plural Jew er ist Jude he is a Jew → auch Jüdin
Judea, Judeo, Jude, Judeans, Jüdin, Jew...
Sounds all the same to me.
"From the line of David." I don't like it any more than you do, but Jesus was a jew (unless you're arguing that Mary wasn't, which I've never looked into.)
(post is archived)