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I haven't been on gab in a while, but what I saw in the comments kinda shocked me.

I thought my "ALL GOP are rinos that never do anything but stab us in the back" sentiment, was a minor opinion.

It's not.

It's going mainstream.


If people are losing faith in wendy rogers, it means, even if they're not losing faith in trump, they're at least not supporting his picks anymore.

Which means the GOP is free to go full retard, as it obviously has.

I suspect the legitimacy crisis thats now unfolding for them, will actually see the party in-fighting.

That prediction I made of them picking up only a handful of seats, out of 44 or 45, might turn out to be true after all.

Either way, FJB, and his employees in the RNC. Most of all fuck congress and the senate.

I hope they and DC get burned by the very mobs and lawlessness they unleashed on america in 2020-2022.

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I haven't been on gab in a while, but what I saw in the comments kinda shocked me. I thought my "ALL GOP are rinos that never do anything but stab us in the back" sentiment, was a minor opinion. It's not. It's going mainstream. https://gab.com/wendyrogersaz/posts/108275023153792682 If people are losing faith in wendy rogers, it means, even if they're not losing faith in trump, they're at least not supporting his picks anymore. Which means the GOP is free to go full retard, as it obviously has. I suspect the legitimacy crisis thats now unfolding for them, will actually see the party in-fighting. That prediction I made of them picking up only a handful of seats, out of 44 or 45, might turn out to be true after all. Either way, FJB, and his employees in the RNC. Most of all fuck congress and the senate. I hope they and DC get burned by the very mobs and lawlessness they unleashed on america in 2020-2022.

(post is archived)

[–] 3 pts 2y (edited 2y)

The RINOs are still strong, strong enough to make deals with Trump (Oz). The people on Gab are split: Half of them say that both parties are the same and voting doesn't matter, the other half says that precinct committeemen and primaries matter, and that the Right should overtake the Republican party like the Left did with the Democrats.

[–] 1 pt 2y (edited 2y)

Yep, party is split so the infighting should grow more intense over time. That or they risk further losing the public. So the GOP/RNC will elect to fake infight instead, and that is what they'll blame losing key elections on. The narrative play here will then be to dump trump on the basis "he caused us to lose another election", which in the face of the demoralizing defeat, will split off his base from the rest of the party, politically neutralizing him. The message will be "he lost his second election, and his picks lost the theirs ." If the inner party (the DNC) makes the correct moves, it will look like them appealing to luke-warm 'moderates' like youngkin, and spending political capital, in order to achieve these moves even though it doesn't help them in the short-run.

You're right that the party is split, and voting doesn't matter, but you're also right that precincts and primaries do matter.

It seems contradictory but it's not. The party is split, which is why they're going to lose either in the short term (the so-called elections), or in the long-term (coherent policy, support from their base and their financial contributors). Voting doesn't matter either way though, because the RNC is co-opted except for a narrow sliver of apparent real-deals. (I'm not holding my breath). And this becomes even more apparent, in light of the fact the RNC has consistently failed to follow through on damn near everything, or threw the fight on almost every issue, refusing to kick the RINOs out of the party, failing court cases, getting caught in scandals like the RNC in missouri redistricting in a way that gave away seats to the other half of the regime (the DNC), etc. And this is just a sliver of the vast body of this sort of behavior from them that tells of a broader strategy to superficially represent us while denying us actual representation at one of the most trying, and important times in american history.

It's nothing short of treachery and open lawlessness by any other name. But enough hyperbole.

So as long as this is the case, voting won't matter, because win or lose, the outcome is the same. The RNC is done as a party. I said it after J6 and ted cruz calling it an insurrection. The RNC is the party of democrats who happen to be pro-israel, while israel is the party of foreign lobbys who are pro-democrat. It's a circular firing squad of graft and oligarchy and the occasional mass forced socialist experiment like the covid jabs.

The primaries are important, not because they are a real avenue to change, they're not. The primaries are important, not because they will allow us to seize control of the out-of-control democrats-in-red-ties, they won't. The primries are important, not because they're the first sincere grass-roots effort to take back control, they're not. They're a 80% astroturf effort to keep the hopium alive, and 20% an attempt to sustain Bannon's delusion that the Israelis, a certain asian nation that won't be named, five eyes, and other foreigner nations, aren't fully aware that hes not onboard with them and somehow won't kill him nd his whole family if he ever becomes a serious obstacle to the broader operation of mass importing latin america and winding down america to third world status in every other aspect.

No. The primaries and precinct strategy aren't important for any of those reasons.

The primaries and precinct strategy are important because, as small as relative effort it is, it allows us to demonstrate definitely to the american public, nail-in-coffin even, that voting is dead, the RNC is our enemy and just as guilty of levying war against the american people as the DNC and the intelligence agencies running interference for them--and finally, the failure of the primaries and precinct strategy will demonstrate that we as a nation re still able to organize, and that politics has abandoned the now destroyed middle class, and that political solutions no longer work.

Mark my words, the phrase "there are no political solutions any more" is already spreading as an idea, and will be as big as the current split in the RNC.

Thats about 75 million people who are straight up going to start seeing their governments legislating without them , while they lose their entire livelihoods and face new repression from a fat, bloviating, condescending, arrogant and overpaid congress, while everyone else suffers and has to watch the american dream die to rioting in the streets.

2020 taught the right (really just the middle class and moderates from 1990-2010) that violence is an option, and a good half of the RNC will come to embrace this, having seen the lawlessness of the left go unpunished, and the two-tiered system in DC where everyone pro-regime is immune.

I don't endorse it, but those are the numbers.

It's why they're doing the court packing and "disinformation agencies" now and not later.

They have to have it now, turn-key, ready to go.

This actually bodes well for us, because it tells us they're not thinking long-term. This is them reacting . And reactionaries always end up in the backseat, instead of the drivers seat.

So the question then becomes, when is the political power vacuum going to fully arrive? how? and what will it look like?

Thats why they want the civil war narrative. Because they're hoping to keep it brush-fire level, and containable, bogarting control by using coerced or bribed idiots with backgrounds in the military or preaching (because these are the two roles that us on the right respect the most and listen to). Their hope is a prolonged conflict, e.x. FARC, but with minimal actual damage, one they can primarily use to paint us as terrorists, all 75 million, demonize, depict as ineffective, limiting scope, membership, capabilities, and keeping tabs on the whole operation while tactically bulldozing any pushback..kind of like the DNC inner-party regime does politically to all of us on the right and moderates, through their control of the RNC.

My initial beliefs for a long time were in the supremacy of attrition warfare, namely politically. However I've come to the correct conclusion that it is very near impossible to win with the totality of propaganda, both in the media sphere, in institutional (schools and universities). This is especially so with the amount of resources the regime controls, which while not unlimited, are compared to our own, sufficiently 'infinite' for the practical purpose of crushing any dissent under the correct conditions.

And our guns don't even this out, because, if you'll allow me to speak in metaphor, its like an army stuck on a mountaintop, as a flood is happening. Our opponents resources are the equivalent of a navy. The flood is cultural change, subversion, mass demographic replacement, new technologies that neutralize the effectiveness of civilian firearms (drones), etc. The waters keep rising, limiting us further and further, and more and more people abandon the high hill to their 'rescuers' (joining their "civil society" of the disarmed, obedient, coerced, culturally atomized, stateless peoples living under stifling, totalitarian, weaponized bureaucracy), as the culture changes, and the overton window moves, and more and more of what traditionally defined america and liberty, becomes first, 'suspect', then 'potential extremism', then 'violent rhetoric', and finally criminalized both piece meal in most cases, and in big chunks in other cases.

At last on that mountain top, a hand full of men, hold out, against the inevitability of the rising waters, and the 'navy' of the enemy, who is both now its entire nation, and the flood waters itself. Like how cain removed abel, from the entirety of human history ever after. The new, murdering the old.

For America to survive, a lot of people have to unlearn any respect at all for the law, any obedience to authority, or reverence to experts or celebrity. They must become authorities unto themselves, and find in them, the savages and barbarians that torched rome, and the spirit of their forefathers, who crossed the icy potomac in the dead of winter, chilled to the bone, to take down a bunch of hessian mercenaries and murderers without mercy or regret.

There is no place here for honesty with the enemy, no place for honest fighting, or noble deeds, or half measure.

They will have to spit on their hands and be willing to hoist the jolly roger.

That is what it will take, that one thing, and not an ounce less.

For me, I'll have none of it, because I hate bloodshed, utterly, nor will I encourage it. I guess thats my weakness, just who I am.

But unfortunately, everything I have said is about what is absolutely necessary, beyond all doubt, is true.

If the american people don't do those things, them and theirs will fucking suffer, starve, and die. Them and their entire families, towns, counties, and states. They will starve and die under communism, and their children and children's children's children will suffer under 80-100 years of totalitarian dictatorship, torture, mass prison camps for political dissidents, gulags, anti-christian, anti-european, anti-conservative 'eugenics' of the most barbaric variety up to and including forced abortions, sterilizations, and licensing to have a family, political killings in the form of people just disappearing.

Every cruelty and barbaric act you saw happen in israel, in soviet russia, in the killing fields of cambodia, and in a certain asian nation that shall remain unnamed--all of it, you will see come to pass in America.

It is not merely certain. Not merely inevitable. Not merely foreseen.

But understood, as simple as the boulder rolling down hill in the story of sisyphus. The outcome of it has been boiled down to all but physics.

The scale of deprivation, depravity, and spiritual and physical degradation you will come to witness, and experience, both for yourself, and your family, for your immediate neighbors, town, city, and nation, will be so monstrous that they will have to invent new phrases to describe it.

Reading this you think its hyperbole. Perhaps you think I've exaggerated. Or I've gone past the plausible into the delusion.

I'd like to ask you what the cost will be if you're wrong.

Because I predicted, two invasions, four presidential elections, two governors races, three supreme court nominations, the price of gas to within a penny on two separate occasions, the movement of bitcoin to within 3% on several occasions, the price of oil down to a 10$ margin on half a dozen occasions, often six months in advance, the failure and success of numerous policies--and all of this, all of it, when almost all the experts, be they on the news, in the intelligence agencies, in the "alt" sphere, in finance, in analytics--I predicted all of this even when these people, with a combine total of hundreds of years of experience, and more, got it wrong .

Even going by the rule of thumb "predict the opposite of what the mainstream says", no one has had that kind of track record. Except me. A nobody on the internet, who earns $15 an hour making car parts for a living.

So I'll ask you again, how fucked are you if it turns out everything I've said will come true, comes true? How much can you afford to lose if you're wrong?

You are in a war and they intend to kill you. They intend to take your family and separate you. They intend to indoctrinate and enslave your kids, both economically and sexually.

They intend to annihilate all that you were, all that you are, and all that you ever care about , because you are an American, and your government, congress and the senate, run by an out of control bureaucracy, is chock-full to the fucking brim with blackmailed pedofiles and murderers who answer to foreign nations and the banks currently looting it.

Thats congress and the senate and the head of all the departments and agencies. Down to the last fucking man.

Welcome to the war.

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[–] 0 pt 2y

The good news: The fight in the Republican party is not about one half of the base against the other half. It's about donors and leadership against the base. This means that there is no need to split the party, or to leave it to create a new one. All that's needed is to invite a lot more normal people into the party to join the fight, until the current leadership is primaried out.

The bad news: It's a cultural war (because culture moves the Overton window), and Conservatives suck at fighting cultural wars. Showing how fake the fake news media is, was a big win. But there are still Hollywood, the music industry, schools and universities, and religion (Atheists are not the enemy, the woke part of the Christian Church is).

Not known yet: To implement the new world order, the US cannot act alone. At one point, UN troops are needed inside the US. It all depends on Russia (doesn't look good for the globalists) and China (depends on if Xi can hold his power, or if the globalist candidate Jiang can take over this fall).

[–] 0 pt 2y

Culture is downstream from propaganda and demographics.

The ones controlling the demographic change also produce the propaganda.

The RNC is a cleverly disguised hunters blind, a dead end.

The people being brought in can also be propagandized.

Showing how fake the fake news media is, was a big win.

Providing the proof to tear down one system, isn't sufficient by itself. If you tell someone something that forces them to discard an old model (for example, their trust in media), without presenting a replacement solution or alternative, then those who even accept what you told them, ultimately tune out, because the problem is effectively bigger than any one person can handle. People in that situation ask "yeah and what can I do about it?"

It's not a win. It's a wasted effort without alternatives.

What I'm telling you is the problem is far and beyond the RNC.

Look at china, russia, the u.s. and every other major nation. Every single one of them instituted forced or coerced vaccinations in some manner.

Every single one of them has gone alone with the totalitarian "climate change" agenda, fully intent on handing over control of the food supply to centralized power.

Half of what is happening in the u.s. is a direct result of a certain asian nation that shall remain unnamed, blackmailing and bribing zionists in congress, the senate, and on wallstreet, etc. Their leadership isn't some kind of savior.

No one, and I mean, fucking no one, is coming to help you, me, or any american. Anyone currently worth over eight figures is a stooge for a certain asian nation, israel, the brits currently undermining america, globalism, or some other cancerous -ism.

You want to know what to actually do instead of hoping for saviors who are co-opted and will stab us all in the back, like they've done every fucking time previously? You actually want to put your faith in that nonsense, in the assholes given air time? HELLO if they're getting airtime, they're controlled opposition.

I'll tell you, explicitly, what anyone should do:

Focus on getting wealthy. As fast as possible.

You can't win a war without a war chest. Thats it. Thats what it comes down to.

And trust me, we are in a war, one we didn't start, one we didn't ask for, one where we just wanted to be left alone.

And if you don't choose to accept that right now, as the god damn truth, straight down into your bones, then trust me when I say you are going to get sucked right down into the next bullshit manufactured hero, the next elon musk, the next trump, the next tucker, patiently taking us all for a ride while globalism sharpens its knives and takes another slice out of america.

And in each turning, from one to the next, you will cry "we trusted you, you traitors!", even while looking to the next salvation artificially manufactured by you. And it will start slow and insidious, with perhaps your favorite website like revolver, or favorite talking head, posting "BOOM, so-and-so GRILLS socialist AOC". Or something similar. "BAM! so-and-so delivers FIRERY SPEECH withering the opposition." And slowly the cycle repeats.

And when others come to you to say "see what is happening?", with a whisper, or with a roar, you will reply

"Yes, but at least we're winning! They're the best we got right now. You just don't like them. At least they're doing something."

Sadly all that 'winning' amounts to much adieu about nothing in the end though, fren.

Welcome to hell.

You can choose to stay here, or climb out of it over the bodies of our enemies political agenda.

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