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I haven't been on gab in a while, but what I saw in the comments kinda shocked me.

I thought my "ALL GOP are rinos that never do anything but stab us in the back" sentiment, was a minor opinion.

It's not.

It's going mainstream.


If people are losing faith in wendy rogers, it means, even if they're not losing faith in trump, they're at least not supporting his picks anymore.

Which means the GOP is free to go full retard, as it obviously has.

I suspect the legitimacy crisis thats now unfolding for them, will actually see the party in-fighting.

That prediction I made of them picking up only a handful of seats, out of 44 or 45, might turn out to be true after all.

Either way, FJB, and his employees in the RNC. Most of all fuck congress and the senate.

I hope they and DC get burned by the very mobs and lawlessness they unleashed on america in 2020-2022.

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I haven't been on gab in a while, but what I saw in the comments kinda shocked me. I thought my "ALL GOP are rinos that never do anything but stab us in the back" sentiment, was a minor opinion. It's not. It's going mainstream. https://gab.com/wendyrogersaz/posts/108275023153792682 If people are losing faith in wendy rogers, it means, even if they're not losing faith in trump, they're at least not supporting his picks anymore. Which means the GOP is free to go full retard, as it obviously has. I suspect the legitimacy crisis thats now unfolding for them, will actually see the party in-fighting. That prediction I made of them picking up only a handful of seats, out of 44 or 45, might turn out to be true after all. Either way, FJB, and his employees in the RNC. Most of all fuck congress and the senate. I hope they and DC get burned by the very mobs and lawlessness they unleashed on america in 2020-2022.

(post is archived)

[–] 0 pt 2y

The good news: The fight in the Republican party is not about one half of the base against the other half. It's about donors and leadership against the base. This means that there is no need to split the party, or to leave it to create a new one. All that's needed is to invite a lot more normal people into the party to join the fight, until the current leadership is primaried out.

The bad news: It's a cultural war (because culture moves the Overton window), and Conservatives suck at fighting cultural wars. Showing how fake the fake news media is, was a big win. But there are still Hollywood, the music industry, schools and universities, and religion (Atheists are not the enemy, the woke part of the Christian Church is).

Not known yet: To implement the new world order, the US cannot act alone. At one point, UN troops are needed inside the US. It all depends on Russia (doesn't look good for the globalists) and China (depends on if Xi can hold his power, or if the globalist candidate Jiang can take over this fall).

[–] 0 pt 2y

Culture is downstream from propaganda and demographics.

The ones controlling the demographic change also produce the propaganda.

The RNC is a cleverly disguised hunters blind, a dead end.

The people being brought in can also be propagandized.

Showing how fake the fake news media is, was a big win.

Providing the proof to tear down one system, isn't sufficient by itself. If you tell someone something that forces them to discard an old model (for example, their trust in media), without presenting a replacement solution or alternative, then those who even accept what you told them, ultimately tune out, because the problem is effectively bigger than any one person can handle. People in that situation ask "yeah and what can I do about it?"

It's not a win. It's a wasted effort without alternatives.

What I'm telling you is the problem is far and beyond the RNC.

Look at china, russia, the u.s. and every other major nation. Every single one of them instituted forced or coerced vaccinations in some manner.

Every single one of them has gone alone with the totalitarian "climate change" agenda, fully intent on handing over control of the food supply to centralized power.

Half of what is happening in the u.s. is a direct result of a certain asian nation that shall remain unnamed, blackmailing and bribing zionists in congress, the senate, and on wallstreet, etc. Their leadership isn't some kind of savior.

No one, and I mean, fucking no one, is coming to help you, me, or any american. Anyone currently worth over eight figures is a stooge for a certain asian nation, israel, the brits currently undermining america, globalism, or some other cancerous -ism.

You want to know what to actually do instead of hoping for saviors who are co-opted and will stab us all in the back, like they've done every fucking time previously? You actually want to put your faith in that nonsense, in the assholes given air time? HELLO if they're getting airtime, they're controlled opposition.

I'll tell you, explicitly, what anyone should do:

Focus on getting wealthy. As fast as possible.

You can't win a war without a war chest. Thats it. Thats what it comes down to.

And trust me, we are in a war, one we didn't start, one we didn't ask for, one where we just wanted to be left alone.

And if you don't choose to accept that right now, as the god damn truth, straight down into your bones, then trust me when I say you are going to get sucked right down into the next bullshit manufactured hero, the next elon musk, the next trump, the next tucker, patiently taking us all for a ride while globalism sharpens its knives and takes another slice out of america.

And in each turning, from one to the next, you will cry "we trusted you, you traitors!", even while looking to the next salvation artificially manufactured by you. And it will start slow and insidious, with perhaps your favorite website like revolver, or favorite talking head, posting "BOOM, so-and-so GRILLS socialist AOC". Or something similar. "BAM! so-and-so delivers FIRERY SPEECH withering the opposition." And slowly the cycle repeats.

And when others come to you to say "see what is happening?", with a whisper, or with a roar, you will reply

"Yes, but at least we're winning! They're the best we got right now. You just don't like them. At least they're doing something."

Sadly all that 'winning' amounts to much adieu about nothing in the end though, fren.

Welcome to hell.

You can choose to stay here, or climb out of it over the bodies of our enemies political agenda.

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