Currently writing an article on Replacement Migration, what important facts do you think I should include? It's gonna be normie friendly so obviously I can't just write "it's the Jews"
So far I have listed:
- legally it's all due to immigration policies implemented after WW2
- before 1960s the entire west was 90-99% White, Europe specifically was 99% White
- "civil rights" laws ("anti-discrimination" and in Europe "hate speech" laws) legally enforce mass migration and foreign integration
- Replacement Migration is an official UN policy
- their argument is that falling birth rates are bad because the welfare state will collapse
- they claim this requires mass migration to fix
- this is flawed because:
- - immigrants are a huge tax drain and are causing the welfare state to collapse faster
- - the west is overpopulated which is also causing collapse
- - you cant make more horses by filling your barn full of cows
- - low birth rates were artificially engineered to begin with
- - - evidence for this is leaked documents from Rockefeller Foundation, World Bank, CIA, etc.
I'm not the author.
posts on: genetics, history, politics, etc.
pro: social conservatism
anti: globalism
contact: thuletide[at]protonmail[dot]com
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> Currently writing an article on Replacement Migration, what important facts do you think I should include? It's gonna be normie friendly so obviously I can't just write "it's the Jews"
> So far I have listed:
> - legally it's all due to immigration policies implemented after WW2
> - before 1960s the entire west was 90-99% White, Europe specifically was 99% White
> - "civil rights" laws ("anti-discrimination" and in Europe "hate speech" laws) legally enforce mass migration and foreign integration
> - Replacement Migration is an official UN policy
> - their argument is that falling birth rates are bad because the welfare state will collapse
> - they claim this requires mass migration to fix
- this is flawed because:
> - - immigrants are a huge tax drain and are causing the welfare state to collapse faster
> - - the west is overpopulated which is also causing collapse
> - - you cant make more horses by filling your barn full of cows
> - - low birth rates were artificially engineered to begin with
> - - - evidence for this is leaked documents from Rockefeller Foundation, World Bank, CIA, etc.
# Edit
I'm not the author.
> SP
> @thuletide
> posts on: genetics, history, politics, etc.
> pro: social conservatism
> anti: globalism
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> contact: thuletide[at]protonmail[dot]com
(post is archived)