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Currently writing an article on Replacement Migration, what important facts do you think I should include? It's gonna be normie friendly so obviously I can't just write "it's the Jews"

So far I have listed:

  • legally it's all due to immigration policies implemented after WW2
  • before 1960s the entire west was 90-99% White, Europe specifically was 99% White
  • "civil rights" laws ("anti-discrimination" and in Europe "hate speech" laws) legally enforce mass migration and foreign integration
  • Replacement Migration is an official UN policy
  • their argument is that falling birth rates are bad because the welfare state will collapse
  • they claim this requires mass migration to fix
  • this is flawed because:
    • - immigrants are a huge tax drain and are causing the welfare state to collapse faster
  • - the west is overpopulated which is also causing collapse
  • - you cant make more horses by filling your barn full of cows
  • - low birth rates were artificially engineered to begin with
  • - - evidence for this is leaked documents from Rockefeller Foundation, World Bank, CIA, etc.



I'm not the author.


SP @thuletide

posts on: genetics, history, politics, etc.

pro: social conservatism

anti: globalism

twitter: https://twitter.com/not_thuletide articles: http://thuletide.wordpress.com

telegram: http://t.me/s/thuletide

contact: thuletide[at]protonmail[dot]com

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> Currently writing an article on Replacement Migration, what important facts do you think I should include? It's gonna be normie friendly so obviously I can't just write "it's the Jews" > > So far I have listed: > > - legally it's all due to immigration policies implemented after WW2 > - before 1960s the entire west was 90-99% White, Europe specifically was 99% White > - "civil rights" laws ("anti-discrimination" and in Europe "hate speech" laws) legally enforce mass migration and foreign integration > - Replacement Migration is an official UN policy > - their argument is that falling birth rates are bad because the welfare state will collapse > - they claim this requires mass migration to fix - this is flawed because: > - - immigrants are a huge tax drain and are causing the welfare state to collapse faster > - - the west is overpopulated which is also causing collapse > - - you cant make more horses by filling your barn full of cows > - - low birth rates were artificially engineered to begin with > - - - evidence for this is leaked documents from Rockefeller Foundation, World Bank, CIA, etc. https://gab.com/thuletide/posts/107848613349855983 # Edit I'm not the author. https://pic8.co/sh/vxkBgd.png > SP > @thuletide > > posts on: genetics, history, politics, etc. > > pro: social conservatism > anti: globalism > - > twitter: https://twitter.com/not_thuletide > articles: http://thuletide.wordpress.com > telegram: http://t.me/s/thuletide > - > contact: thuletide[at]protonmail[dot]com

(post is archived)

[–] 3 pts 3y

Libs need to somehow understand that migrants will take their welfare and socialist benefits.

[–] 2 pts 3y

Impacts on the environment when more third world people start driving cars and using air conditioning, not to mention the goods bought. Using an environmental angle might red pill a person or two.

[–] 1 pt 3y

The tl;dr = it's the jews.

[–] 1 pt 3y

Make sure to have someone with extremely good spelling, grammar, and punctuation skills proof-read it. Our side looks like buffoons when we publish amateur stuff with typos and mispellings.

[+] [deleted] 1 pt 3y
[–] 1 pt 3y (edited 3y)

In the UK all the immigration policies were secretly rewritten by Tony Blair in the 80's to open the borders to more immigration. Mandelson was quoted as "Rubbing the Tories noses in it".

It is explicitly a Marxist policy to create a mixed society, because Communism requires the eradication of any National or Racial Identity, you are all servants of the State.

Hate Speech laws do not protect White people, they are only ever used against us. The same for employment and libel regulations

The Welfare State was fine when there were far fewer people and living standards were vastly lower than they are today. If we truly need more people then we can take in people from Eastern Europe, particularly Poland or Hungary, they are a perfect cultural fit for the West. Similary people from some Asian countries. The only ones that don't fit here, niggers and sand niggers are always given priority. Why is that the policy when it clearly works against our interests...

It's irrelevant whether niggers are a tax drain or not. Normal people really don't care, they just want their kid to go to school without getting raped or stabbed or their bike stolen by vibrant urbanites.

The West is over populated, people are way nastier than back when we weren't arguing over parking spaces or lack of housing or dealing with Race traitors marrying niggers.

their last two points are tinfoil, don't mention anything tinfoil

[+] [deleted] 0 pt 3y
[–] 1 pt 3y

When you see all those migrants in inflatable boats, brand new, and sunk when near the coast,


Who is the money and interests behind this? As the romans used to ask when a crime was investigated, “who profits?”

[+] [deleted] 1 pt 3y
[–] 0 pt 3y

Europeans are caucasians. Not all whites are caucasian.

Caucasians are globally a minority.

In America, children 16 and under are officially minorities. We are a minority in our own country.

Why do caucasians not receive minority benefits?

Why is everyone allowed their own homeland except caucasians? Should Mexico be for Mexicans? Should China be for Chinese? Should Germany be for caucasian Germans? Should America be for Caucasians? Why is it only racist when caucasians have homelands they've created for caucasians? Never for everyone else?

Why were we never allowed to vote on this even though the public position was known to limit or exclude non-European migration?

Why have non-Americans been allowed to make these changes on our behalf? To the detriment of all Americans?

[–] 0 pt 3y

All that in one article? That's not normie friendly.

You should be writing at a fourth grade level for starters. (Not a joke, this is a solid and well-researched rule for web content that you want to reach a non-fringe audience)

You shouldn't go too long. I forget the appropriate word count but you can look up best practices around length.

Keep the concepts simple. Remember that our education system is subverted and most people are missing foundational information and concepts that probably seem obvious to you. Spell it out for them. Spell the hell out of it.

Don't overload them. With what you have here you could probably do an entire series of articles.

To answer your question though, one normie safe point I use for the US is that illegal aliens vote blue and democrats are just trying to create votes to gain power and take away the opposing power of Americans. Easy to wrap your head around for a normie and as a bonus it's completely true and you don't need to exaggerate anything to prove the point.

[+] [deleted] 1 pt 3y
[–] [deleted] 0 pt 3y

Unfortunately this is all true.

Spell it out for them. Spell the hell out of it.

That fact people can't tell a joke / sarcasm when they read it anymore. 🙄