jews....not the actual enemy.
There are only 2 sides.
Found the binary processing mongoloid tier shabbos goy.
I swear to god, you fucking christcucks are worse than worthless.
No, we don't claim him. That's a fucking heretic or a jew larping as a Christian. Either way, it dies.
The bible claims your enemy is spiritual. Literally says it is not flesh and blood (human).
Pick one. What the bible says, or what satan whispers to you.
u/Pickled hurts itself in retardation
You have not shed a drop of blood for any righteous cause.
So spare us your fake 4chan bravado child.
"Muh spiritual battle"
You are so ineffective and pussified you larp a fake battle in your head.
You will die on your knees, christcuck.
(post is archived)