Based Gab. I am looking forward to the popularization of this platform.
This is okay . Based would be if he said Kyle Rittenhouse is King. Which he fucking is in my house.
Yeah. People have always accused gab of being owns by jews because of the name. I don't buy it.
People should be more pragmatic and less paranoid, although I did not end up creating an account earlier so maybe I was influenced by the same instincts myself in my behavior - although I never had a user on twitter either, creating an account on gab I guess is just another fail-safe for me since the internet is fighting for it's right to exist.
I was just reading (my jaw dropped) on reddit how redditors are joining "right wing" groups on gab and reporting them to the fbi and shit. Fucking unbelievable. Surprisingly I didn't see poal mentioned in the "r/parler watch". A small victory I suppose.
Talk about leftist lemmings.
(post is archived)