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I am outside an actual drag show. Gonna smoke a cigarette then go hold that sign. It is about 3 feet tall.

There are about 25 people waiting for doors to open at 6:30. Steady stream showing up. Fuck this shit.

I would rather be with my seven children an hour away. Where are you faggots?

I am outside an actual drag show. Gonna smoke a cigarette then go hold that sign. It is about 3 feet tall. There are about 25 people waiting for doors to open at 6:30. Steady stream showing up. Fuck this shit. I would rather be with my seven children an hour away. Where are you faggots?

(post is archived)

[–] 4 pts


>Amplified Bible “A woman shall not wear a man’s clothing, nor shall a man put on a woman’s clothing; for whoever does these things is utterly repulsive to the LORD your God.

[–] 3 pts

The troons are going to go out of their way to grab/destroy that sign. I hope you brought friends.

[–] 4 pts

I hope you brought friends

I wish. But it was successful. A few people talked to me to ask why I would have such a hateful sign. Long story short, I did end up having to admit Hitler did nothing wrong. Of course that is what they want. The lines are drawn.

Overall, I felt it was productive and necessary and I would do it again. They have events all over Maine.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

You ever seen a Maine coon?

[–] 2 pts

You ever seen a Maine coon?

I have a cat that is at least partially Maine coon. The real ones are huge. The male cats around here are the size of small dogs. They went away since we have no fertile females around.

[–] 2 pts

They have events all over Maine.

I don't think I've even heard of a troonie show event in Maine before! Suddenly ... all over Maine.

Did you see any kids attending? Did you see any media covering it?

[–] 0 pt

Did you see any kids attending? Did you see any media covering it?

No children. No media. Their facebook may have some photos.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

But see, Jesus loved everyone so that includes letting faggots run rampant, because reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

[–] 0 pt

3 different people told me Jesus wore a dress.

[–] 1 pt

Even in those days men and women's clothing were different. Though I feel it was meant more about attitude and heart. Appearance of the heart.

[–] 0 pt

Jesus loved everyone

He still does. But he absolutely does not tolerate unrepentant hearts and willful disobedience. These people are ruining the future I am fighting for. It needs to stop.

To love is to love in good and bad, and that means to criticize to better someone in the process. Endorsing deviant behavior that kills and maims kids is NTO of God and just the thought is enough to make my blood boil

[–] 1 pt

Hey man (or lady i don't know :-) but Well fcking done. More power to you.