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[–] 1 pt

LOL I will be fine until I get home. It is saved in my password manager at home and, sadly, I have my VPN turned off and I am not even going to try to talk the missus through starting it up. So, I can not even login and use VNC. (I do that often but not right now.)

I do not even take my sleep meds for about another 45 minutes. I take my pain meds at 23:00. They wake me up for more pain meds at 03:00. I am up again no later than 06:00 and then I get out of bed at 07:00.

That is when the torture begins. It takes like an hour just to get showered and ready for breakfast. I still can't bathe myself. I can almost dress myself.

I then have therapy for 3.5 hours per day. I usually try to steal a PT staff member and put in another hour. I can kind of move my leg a little but only in certain conditions. I can't really lift it myself, except for a few conditions. My quads basically don't work and even my glutes are impacted.

I have some hairline fractures and a few broken ribs, but those are all pretty minor. The femur is my major break.

Today was the day that I finally got 'unsupervised movement in room.' That means I can get out of bed and use the walker to get to the chair and wheel around - or just use the walker by myself. I will go home on crutches but I am not yet allowed to use those without supervision.

I can finally poop without people observing me and I don't have to piss into a plastic jug that they call a urinal.

See? My pee jug from a few days ago:


I have not even used my pee jug today!

[–] 1 pt

Well it sounds like you are on a promising course to full recovery. I'll send you all the good vibes I've got to spare. Which admittedly isn't many as of late but I'd rather put as much good into the world as I can.

[–] 0 pt

I also have fantastic health care providers. The hospital, even though it is in Maine, is almost brand new and has been pinging the top of the charts and getting awards since it opened. (The name existed before, but it was an older facility.)

I did call in a specialist. I came in on a Saturday - but got to Augusta by helicopter on Sunday. I called in a specialist surgeon from Boston and he flew right up that day, did the consult, and then opened me up on Monday.

Insurance will cover 'reasonable' so that probably will only be partially covered. Other than that, and a semi-private wing, I am getting the same care anyone else would get at this hospital. They are just really good.

It is semi-private. I had the 'acute care' sub-wing to myself - mostly because I get a fuckton of visitors and lots of activity. Today, they moved someone into a room across the hall. So, I don't have the wing to myself anymore.

So, I will make the best recovery that hard work, lots of pain, and a few bucks can get me. They don't know how well I will recover - but it is quite possible that I will make a full recovery. It is a major bone and hip fractures are quite varied with recovery. They simply don't know.

Also, I learned something. Well, I learned lots of somethings.

I used to think a hip fracture was the pelvis but this is considered a hip fracture. It is just below the ball, on the femur. It is the strongest bone in my body - and it broke.

Curiously, I was a passenger. It is my left femur that broke. We have no idea how that happened. None.