Negroes have been holding this country hostage since they arrived. They just look for ANY justification they can, no matter how pitiful or inane, to chimp out and act like criminals. And then they're offended for pointing it all out. Criminal culture by a criminal people.
Indeed, no other race does it. Spics don't chimp out wherever a spic bites the dust. Unfortunately, a lot of whites get brainwashed to chimp out for no fucking reason too. Nonetheless, groids are the main culprits when it comes to making America a banana republic rulled by an angry mob. They were never meant to live in a civilised, western world; tribes and ghettos are their way of governing societies. This is why Africa is, and will always be a shithole.
More and more I see less and less differences between niggers and jews. Both are always looking for another (the whites) to project their faults and shortcomings on, and to cry and wail for 'justice'.
As Brandon would put it, kikes are eloquent niggers.
Fellow travelers with parallel interests. The nigger wants to rob, rape and kill Whites and so, will seek any excuse, any opportunity, to do so. The jew wants the nigger to rob, rape and kill Whites and so, will seek any excuse, any opportunity, to enable them to do so.
They are just animals, only dangerous if you are disorganized. The problem is that the real threat, jews, keeps us from organizing.
Just give them their own spaces to govern themselves. Civil segregation is the key.
Even if whites gave them entire America and moved to Mars, groids would follow shortly after, which would inevitably lead to same issues.
You can have both groids and advanced civilisation at the same time. You have to pick one. Segregation is the only way. They could still come to White countries as tourists, but if they overstay, they need to be deported. If a whore gets impregnated by a groid, her black kid needs to be deported too. This is the only civilised way. I don't see leopards living in harmony with lions in Africa.
Get rid of them and never worry about it again.
(post is archived)