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Is it their tone? Mean people are more likely to be wrong?

Is it how many people agree with them?

Is it the authority figures that agree with them?

Is it the evidence/support they bring to the table?

Is it the stories they tell about the information/event/person that convince you?

Is it how confident they seem to be about their position?

Is it their tone? Mean people are more likely to be wrong? Is it how many people agree with them? Is it the authority figures that agree with them? Is it the evidence/support they bring to the table? Is it the stories they tell about the information/event/person that convince you? Is it how confident they seem to be about their position?

(post is archived)

[–] 0 pt

>Yes, there is. Every other answer is a liar's dream.


That's you again forcing YOUR narrative on people, you are manipulative, and probably a pervert

[–] 1 pt



That's you again forcing YOUR narrative on people,

You mean the truth? Which of the answers above, or one you make up, is most important in determining truth?

If it's not evidence/support for the claims, then what is it, and why?

you are manipulative, and probably a pervert


Oh, man. I'm sure that just came out of left field. Cowardly non-answers. Personal attacks. And absolutely no support for why the others aren't a liar's dream. LITERALLY EVERY OTHER ONE IS IN THE CONMAN'S REPERTOIRE. The only one he doesn't have is facts/evidence.

[–] 0 pt

Do you believe in god crensch?

According to your own logic, since there's no fact proving its existence...

Of course you CAN'T

I guess "we all know where that puts you"


Now here are my questions: Are you dumb or dumb? Choose wisely, there's only one right answer...

[–] 1 pt

Do you believe in god crensch?


According to your own logic, since there's no fact proving its existence...

Of course you CAN'T


I guess "we all know where that puts you"

In the realm of people that seek truth above all else?

Now here are my questions: Are you dumb or dumb? Choose wisely, there's only one right answer...

False dichotomy. My examples/ideas above were not in any way attempting to prevent another answer from being presented, but yours is. Out of the options I presented, there is only one right answer, since the others have fuck-all bearing on what's true or not.

Every last one of them is subject to lies and half-truths, but if you have the evidence/facts to support your claims, you actually have something substantive with which to either accept or deliberate upon.