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Is it their tone? Mean people are more likely to be wrong?

Is it how many people agree with them?

Is it the authority figures that agree with them?

Is it the evidence/support they bring to the table?

Is it the stories they tell about the information/event/person that convince you?

Is it how confident they seem to be about their position?

Is it their tone? Mean people are more likely to be wrong? Is it how many people agree with them? Is it the authority figures that agree with them? Is it the evidence/support they bring to the table? Is it the stories they tell about the information/event/person that convince you? Is it how confident they seem to be about their position?

(post is archived)

[–] 0 pt

Look, I stopped reading your shit entirely past the first line something like... 1 hour ago, or maybe 2 now

Pretending you haven't cared about this since X time ago. Typical loser behaviour.

Because you're arguing like a troll, to get me to fit into whatever retarded binary thinking position you naively believe is enough to contain life itself

You're a Marxist. Every thought is equally as good as the next one, eh?

Facts? What facts? Your facts? Your faked facts? I've read it somewhere on internet therefore it's a fact because it serves my narrative?


So you didn't read my Nuremberg trials comment? You didn't realize that I used your own words to prove you're full of shit and a dishonest person?

Who cares about those "facts", coming from a deceptive, pathological manipulator

You're a liar, and your ego won't let you come to grips with that. You're everything you accuse me of being, including a pathological manipulator.

You're the one that talks in circles and vague allusions to nonsense, not me. You're the one that claims a blatant non-answer is a perfectly legitimate answer.

It's the equivalent of asking what aisle the mayonnaise is on, only to be told, "Mayonnaise will kill you, but if you walk the path of the guided one, you'll find truth there."

That's how stupid you sound.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

You're still there?

Keep whining

[–] 0 pt

You're still there?

Keep whinning

Low-effort response to try and signal that you have better things to do than continue arguing, and that the other party should just accept that you're better than they are, and that you won.

All it really shows is that you can't respond honestly, no matter how many opportunities you're given to do so.

[–] 0 pt

You don't get it trolly, you keep repeating you don't get shit, you don't understand gnignigni

Poor slob lol

Even if truth fucked you in the eyeballs you couldn't see it