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Is it their tone? Mean people are more likely to be wrong?

Is it how many people agree with them?

Is it the authority figures that agree with them?

Is it the evidence/support they bring to the table?

Is it the stories they tell about the information/event/person that convince you?

Is it how confident they seem to be about their position?

Is it their tone? Mean people are more likely to be wrong? Is it how many people agree with them? Is it the authority figures that agree with them? Is it the evidence/support they bring to the table? Is it the stories they tell about the information/event/person that convince you? Is it how confident they seem to be about their position?

(post is archived)

[–] 0 pt

Talk for yourself kid, you got out smarted all the way, and lost the fucking point on top of that lol

No part of anything you did showed the slightest glimmer of intelligence.

Don't take it so seriously, it's just your ego that got fucked over here, not mine haha

The only thing you managed to do was look like an idiot.

So, given the above, and since you and I know that little morons like you always need the last comment to feel secure, like propper retards and their participation trophies... And since I'm a very generous and humble man... I let you have it, out of sheer christian charity...

Remember when you said this last time, and I called you out on it? And you totally didn't actually ride off into the sunset, but came back like a little bitch?

Go ahead

Make my day

... do you also remember how I called out your double-bind?

Kek. You're so predictably basic.