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Is it their tone? Mean people are more likely to be wrong?

Is it how many people agree with them?

Is it the authority figures that agree with them?

Is it the evidence/support they bring to the table?

Is it the stories they tell about the information/event/person that convince you?

Is it how confident they seem to be about their position?

Is it their tone? Mean people are more likely to be wrong? Is it how many people agree with them? Is it the authority figures that agree with them? Is it the evidence/support they bring to the table? Is it the stories they tell about the information/event/person that convince you? Is it how confident they seem to be about their position?

(post is archived)

[–] 1 pt

And there's a way I believe, to better the so called gut instinct

"Don't bother with facts and evidence, goyim! Trust your 'gut instinct'! It'll keep you safe from big bad lies!"


[–] 0 pt


As I've already stated, Nobody said facts are irrelevant, and look at what you're doing right there AGAIN

You can't help it, you're being dishonest again

People can see it, (but don't worry, they won't read us, I'm the only one who gave you an upvote for that post)



People can see dishonesty for what it is, and when someone is dishonest... That someone isn't truthful

End of debate...

[–] 1 pt

As I've already stated, Nobody said facts are irrelevant, and look at what you're doing right there AGAIN

You're saying I'm wrong. You're saying "gut instinct" like it's a valid alternative.

You can't help it, you're being dishonest again

Except I'm not.

People can see dishonesty for what it is, and when someone is dishonest... That someone isn't truthful

Show me where I'm being dishonest. If anything, you're being intentionally vague.

[–] 0 pt

Yes I'm saying you're wrong to ask "When attempting to figure out the truth of claims on either side of an issue, what is the most important indicator of who's right and wrong for you?" and then DISHONESTLY FORCING the answer to be "the evidence/support they bring to the table" <<<<< FOR YOU?

And what if those evidence are fake? Ahhhhhhh.... Shit, what I haven't thought of that...

So no, you aren't asking people their opinion, you WANT VALIDATION OF YOUR ACTION NOBODY GIVES A FUCK ABOUT

So yeah, you're dishonest to do just that, evidently

But I get you're pissed at voat, the place is compromised to oblivion as I've heard, I've already been through shit like that, and the best advice I have for you is: Run the fuck away from that cesspool, nothing good will come out of it, if it's waht I think it is...


Now, about "truth"

God, is something that has never been proven to exist

And yet, look at how much people are willing to die for "God"

2+2=4, is truth, mathematical truth, and nobody is willing to die for that


There are truth, there are facts

And you have people in between, but I digress