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Is it their tone? Mean people are more likely to be wrong?

Is it how many people agree with them?

Is it the authority figures that agree with them?

Is it the evidence/support they bring to the table?

Is it the stories they tell about the information/event/person that convince you?

Is it how confident they seem to be about their position?

Is it their tone? Mean people are more likely to be wrong? Is it how many people agree with them? Is it the authority figures that agree with them? Is it the evidence/support they bring to the table? Is it the stories they tell about the information/event/person that convince you? Is it how confident they seem to be about their position?

(post is archived)

[–] 1 pt

and then DISHONESTLY FORCING the answer to be "the evidence/support they bring to the table"

When choosing whether or not to shit in a restroom, what's the most important indicator of whether or not it's safe?

Smiling employees? Good stock of products? Nice music? Cleanliness?

There's only one right answer. I'm not forcing anything. If there's shit and blood on the seat, the other things don't matter.

And what if those evidence are fake? Ahhhhhhh.... Shit, what I haven't thought of that...

You mean like literally none of what I presented to you about the Nuremberg Trials was? I could have told you all those things without sources, but would that have been convincing to you?

You're saying it ought to be? Without the sources that you can look up and verify?

So no, you aren't asking people their opinion, you WANT VALIDATION OF YOUR ACTION NOBODY GIVES A FUCK ABOUT

This is a basic level of critical thinking, that you seem to not only lack, but wish wasn't true.

So yeah, you're dishonest to do just that, evidently

You can't even communicate clearly, or choose not to. It's not my fault you can't express your ideas clearly and concisely.

But I get you're pissed at voat, the place is compromised to oblivion as I've heard, I've already been through shit like that, and the best advice I have for you is: Run the fuck away from that cesspool, nothing good will come out of it, if it's waht I think it is...

I didn't ask for your advice.

God, is something that has never been proven to exist


And yet, look at how much people are willing to die for "God"


2+2=4, is truth, mathematical truth, and nobody is willing to die for that

This is where you're dishonest. "God" is indoctrinated into children before the age of reason, and purported to be in control of everything. A "Higher purpose" for those willing to die for their idea of god.

2+2=4 can be proven to exist.

There are truth, there are facts

There is reality, and facts are what separate fiction from truth.

And you have people in between, but I digress

More of your Mr. Miyagi LARPing of thinking you're speaking cryptically when you're really very bad at communicating ideas.

[–] 0 pt

Yeah ok again

That's MY answer to YOUR question

>Either you are honest or you are not, either you want to get to the bottom of truth or you're trying to do something else, like avoiding a particular truth >You can't figure out the truth by lying to yourself, it's just incompatible >People can see dishonesty for what it is, and when someone is dishonest... That someone isn't truthful


>When attempting to figure out the truth of claims on either side of an issue, what is the most important indicator of who's right and wrong for you?

And no, that choice isn't in your list, and no, I'm not satisfied with the poor choices you left me with for available answers

Your "right answer" isn't enough FOR ME

Take it or leave it

End of debate

[–] 1 pt

That's MY answer to YOUR question

What is?


So this:

When attempting to figure out the truth of claims on either side of an issue, what is the most important indicator of who's right and wrong for you?

Answered by this:

when someone is dishonest... That someone isn't truthful

Thanks, Mr. Miyagi, for the non-answer.

And this:

People can see dishonesty for what it is

Is horseshit, because a lot of people believe CNN still.

Conmen wouldn't be a thing, and Jews wouldn't be in power, if people could "see dishonesty for what it is".

And no, that choice isn't in your list, and no, I'm not satisfied with the poor choices you left me with for available answers

You didn't answer anything. It was the most pussy-footing non-answer I've seen in a long time. What's important FOR YOU? What part of your response constitutes an answer to that query? At best your meandering horseshit is a precursor to a statement of "X is my answer". I offered alternatives, but in no way closed the debate to those options - yet you managed still, despite the open-ended question, to not even answer the main question.

Your "right answer" isn't enough FOR ME

Yours isn't even an answer. It's a bunch of "either-or" statements, "people can see X", then a veritable tautology that in no way answers any question asked.

Take it or leave it

You're not even capable of a straight answer.

End of debate

I bet it is.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

I gave you a straight answer

However, you fail to accept it as such, BECAUSE, you seek validation for your stupidity over voat, you want people to answer what YOU want to hear

Which is dishonest, just admit it

And yes the debate is over my dishonest friend, since a while now