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I just reinstalled Namib Linux KDE "arch based" and I have to say KDE is a clusterfuck to setup. I finally after hours got it setup including a spinning cube for multiple 3D desktops. I thought since I've been using linux for years it would be easier than the last time 3 years ago. I was wrong. No desktop icons and not just fill in checkboxes like xfce to have home and shit on there, so lame. They should mark this for intermediate users since the icons on the desktop I found accidentally by dragging them from dolphin and then it said create link. Would it be so hard to leave a text file on the desktop to explain this. Also I started firefox 3 times and it disappeared and I found out I needed to add a widget for open programs to be seen on the panel, how is this not a thing to have in the install. It took me a while to find the fucking widget because they have a title but no fucking explaination or popup to tell you anything. Hell I uninstalled a few programs and the help stopped working because the uninstalled removed a file needed for the help to work. So no internet and no help file and I had to figure this shit out for myself. I reinstalled the help and it still didn't work. I just on a feeling restarted the system and it froze and wouldn't reboot so I gave it a hard shutdown and the help worked. No system message a reboot would be needed for this to work a big fail or then kde developement team. They have overlooked obvious blunders in the install and don't seem to have a clue that it would be better to do some basic shit for user convenience. Hell there is no way to make the system tray icons bigger they are 16x16 and how the fuck is a 4k user supposed to use this since if you increase the panel size the icons form new rows and even stack vertically which is fucking useless, dumb fucks in this setup. They keep adding special effects and have gaping errors in the basic user interfaces and ability to customize the desktop the way they want. At least xfce lets you just move the stuff where ever you want on the taskbar and the tray icons can be easily increased in size. Sure xfce is short a bit on looks but in functionality it's head and shoulders above KDE.

I just reinstalled Namib Linux KDE "arch based" and I have to say KDE is a clusterfuck to setup. I finally after hours got it setup including a spinning cube for multiple 3D desktops. I thought since I've been using linux for years it would be easier than the last time 3 years ago. I was wrong. No desktop icons and not just fill in checkboxes like xfce to have home and shit on there, so lame. They should mark this for intermediate users since the icons on the desktop I found accidentally by dragging them from dolphin and then it said create link. Would it be so hard to leave a text file on the desktop to explain this. Also I started firefox 3 times and it disappeared and I found out I needed to add a widget for open programs to be seen on the panel, how is this not a thing to have in the install. It took me a while to find the fucking widget because they have a title but no fucking explaination or popup to tell you anything. Hell I uninstalled a few programs and the help stopped working because the uninstalled removed a file needed for the help to work. So no internet and no help file and I had to figure this shit out for myself. I reinstalled the help and it still didn't work. I just on a feeling restarted the system and it froze and wouldn't reboot so I gave it a hard shutdown and the help worked. No system message a reboot would be needed for this to work a big fail or then kde developement team. They have overlooked obvious blunders in the install and don't seem to have a clue that it would be better to do some basic shit for user convenience. Hell there is no way to make the system tray icons bigger they are 16x16 and how the fuck is a 4k user supposed to use this since if you increase the panel size the icons form new rows and even stack vertically which is fucking useless, dumb fucks in this setup. They keep adding special effects and have gaping errors in the basic user interfaces and ability to customize the desktop the way they want. At least xfce lets you just move the stuff where ever you want on the taskbar and the tray icons can be easily increased in size. Sure xfce is short a bit on looks but in functionality it's head and shoulders above KDE.

(post is archived)

THat's why I rebooted into MX18.3 xfce since I was getting really sick of KDE. Hell Namib is great for cinnamon of xfce but KDE just kills that great arch distro.

[–] 1 pt

KDE was supposed to be the future a long time ago. Non-trivial things to make, and effective death by politics

that and arrogant project managers that like eye candy but don't actually do shit using KDE or haven't done a full install in years and just updates so they have not had to setup the desktop and has IT do all the stuff they are not sure about. I think if you are in charge of the gui you should have to do an install or get someone off the street that does not use kde do it and any question they have that part has to be simplified or automated in the install.

[–] 2 pts

Lot of retards across the board. Being competent is like a foreign concept and somehow everything else is more important.