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Well their partitioning utility sucks and kept trying to make a swapfile on the usb stick I was using to install it from. Then it tried to put the boot/efi partition there. I had told it to put the boot on sdd1 where the other ones are. I even added a swap file and it tried to do it's own. I just started over and redid the eniter partitioning scheme again. Now for the newbs, do not install Debian, it is not simple like Mint. For everyone I decided to give LXDE another try now that I have 5 years experience with linux now, it's a crippled gui in my opinion. So I went into synaptic and installed XFCE, so much better but not as good as the version in MX18. It's panel has less options and can't adjust the clock text size of color at all. I also hate PCman with not open as root or anything. Also desktop apps are not just addable but configuring a launcher like in xfce and thunar. So much bad stuff that hasn't gotten better with linux and so much that has gotten worse for no reason. Now for all linux developers one old phrase that is so wise. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Well their partitioning utility sucks and kept trying to make a swapfile on the usb stick I was using to install it from. Then it tried to put the boot/efi partition there. I had told it to put the boot on sdd1 where the other ones are. I even added a swap file and it tried to do it's own. I just started over and redid the eniter partitioning scheme again. Now for the newbs, do not install Debian, it is not simple like Mint. For everyone I decided to give LXDE another try now that I have 5 years experience with linux now, it's a crippled gui in my opinion. So I went into synaptic and installed XFCE, so much better but not as good as the version in MX18. It's panel has less options and can't adjust the clock text size of color at all. I also hate PCman with not open as root or anything. Also desktop apps are not just addable but configuring a launcher like in xfce and thunar. So much bad stuff that hasn't gotten better with linux and so much that has gotten worse for no reason. Now for all linux developers one old phrase that is so wise. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

(post is archived)

[–] 3 pts

I've never understood the hype for Debian. There's a line between Stable and Antique. Debian's shit is like a time capsule. I'm using Mint myself simply because I game a lot and Steam plays nicest with Ubuntu spawn. But Slackware is what Debian really should be at this point

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

I think mint is good one I do my fix to get admin right in nemo again but installing a couple of thing I read about online. Here's the text file I wrote myself so I wouldn't have to find it again.

I was having to end of problems with Nemo and open as root not working. Well I found out after a long search and many false leads it Wayland or specifically xwayland. Well the cure was installing dbus-x11 and xuserrun-dbus-git from the AUR. I tried a ton of stuff with no luck but now when in Nemo I right click and choose open as root and the password window opens and a new window opens. The stuff I tried was from years past but with Wayland “not the best idea” replacing x11 because of a huge security flaw in x11 this cure will fill in the gap for now. Just helping out anyone that is experiencing this problem. I’ve had many problems in my 2 years on Linux and it’s my time to help out. Maybe if the Antergos Cinnamon install included this it would make the user experience better since it took me weeks to find what the problem was and it’s not just in Antergos either because other Distros with Cinnamon DE have it also. I installed a few with all the same problem except for Manjaro but I like Antergos a lot better.

[–] 1 pt

Speaking of: Antergos is kill as of 5/21

Yup but it's still installed on my SSD and they are going to do an update changing all the updates to arch servers so we'll keep our dear Antergos for a while yet.