Fuck my life.
Yeah, that is the modern world and I hate those parents for it. In a strange way this probably means that the world of "linux on the desktop" is going to be here and fast. Its "free" and they are just going to put a app layer over it like a fucking tablet.
This is so god damn sad. I have seen it over and over. I had to teach someone how to turn on a pc back in the 90's. FFS. I think we need to get some of the old timers here into a chat just to rant about this shit for a bit. It is so tiring.
I gave up on teaching a while back because the kids "didn't know how to learn". When you can give a question with a document with the answer and they cant even use "find" to get the answer.. there is a problem.
Last part of this. Look at my suggestion for reading in the book's sub. "The Singularity Series by William Hertling".
Kids doing what you said just shows a complete and utter disconnect from reality. It is.. disturbing.
(Also, side note. MacOS is already *nix based. I believe it is based on NetBSD and has been since they started calling it MacOS or osX).