I knew RH was going to be pimped out to the lowest bidders as soon as IBM bought that shit.
Yeah, Its already a old joke "purple hat" is on its downfall. Killing off CentOS was so, so, bad that I won't suggest using RHEL at all anymore and would rather support one of the new off-shot's with usage and funds. Screw them. They killed it because they thought it would force a bunch of orgs to pay for RHEL. That is not how this works, this has NEVER been how this works. Some fucking moron saw $$$ and now they are looking at getting fired for not delivering on their "insane profits from converting the OSS and non-paying enterprise community".
Nope, They are just going to spend the money to move to another distro and tell you to fuck yourself while funding dev's for those communities as it is cheaper and more productive. Also, less pajeet.
(post is archived)