In terms of speed, they're about par, maybe a slight bit slower. Le Potato is missing WiFi, but for my use as servers, that's fine because they're plugged into a switch anyway. I use Ubuntu in a headless configuration. The desktop works fine too. I can watch a Youtube video at full HD and it sputters occasionally. Mostly it's watchable though. The PI isn't perfect in this regard either. They're certainly less expensive and obtainable.
In terms of speed, they're about par, maybe a slight bit slower. Le Potato is missing WiFi, but for my use as servers, that's fine because they're plugged into a switch anyway. I use Ubuntu in a headless configuration. The desktop works fine too. I can watch a Youtube video at full HD and it sputters occasionally. Mostly it's watchable though. The PI isn't perfect in this regard either. They're certainly less expensive and obtainable.
(post is archived)