Short answer.
Correct. Open Source is not sustainable for business models and the philosophy behind it actually stifles innovation. It has always been, IMHO, the software/hardware equivalent of communism. The community is expected to share in the work while a small group calls the shots. The controllers start off with the false notion of promoting freedom but then turn into despots down the road. Later they turn woke or expose their jewish ulterior motives once the masses have bought into the projects in ways that make them bound to it with little room to move. Linux is a good example of this and I expect it to get far worse in the future.
Like it or not, the capitalist approach and closed source are ultimately the best ways, or at least it used to be before the jews fucked it all up. I'm done with Open Source and open standards. They ruined computing and turned us into the mindless consumers the jews want rather than the innovative visionaries we used to be. It's all just money chasing bread-and-circuses-style entertainment consumption now and I'm sick of it. Fuck Open Source and its jewish agenda.
(post is archived)