Well I've been using linux maybe 5 years now and I keep hearing use etcher use unetbootin to burn your ISO's to a usb. Well the best one I've found that is super reliable is Suse Studio Imagewriter. I found my copy in the arch AUR. I am using it now to burn something I haven't used before Condres XFCE and I think there were other versions. It's an arch based distro and I'll do a quick review like ease of use, speed, and stability after I've tried it a couple hours. The image writer worked and I hated Condres just to let everyone know.
Well I've been using linux maybe 5 years now and I keep hearing use etcher use unetbootin to burn your ISO's to a usb. Well the best one I've found that is super reliable is Suse Studio Imagewriter. I found my copy in the arch AUR. I am using it now to burn something I haven't used before Condres XFCE and I think there were other versions. It's an arch based distro and I'll do a quick review like ease of use, speed, and stability after I've tried it a couple hours. The image writer worked and I hated Condres just to let everyone know.
(post is archived)