So I've had some interesting projects using DietPi for RPI of varying models.
1 - Always on downloading box for well, downloading and watching videos. - Ran into issues with Aria2 getting corrupted downloads from RealDebrid so switched to Pyload. Working like a champ now. Notice some stutter during playback if downloading, so Pyload is better since it is very easy to configure scheduler to pause or reduce speed during watching hours. Aria2 can be done via cron, but just harder than gui based Pyload scheduler.
2 - A player that boots as fast as possible, displays little/no text to the screen while booting, launches Kodi after autologin, then resumes the playlist (and exact file and position in file) it was at when last shutdown. This would be useful in a kiosk / public display type situation, or as a car media player for kids. - This turned out to be much harder than I thought. Luckily I found a plugin called Kodi Resume that does just what I need. Suppressing the text output was quite challenging as there is a bug in DietPi with tty3 output. I tried a ton of different stuff and finally got it working. - One very tricky one was when Kodi was running on old tube type TV, you could still see the DietPi welcome text in the background! So I edited some of the DietPi scripts and just added a "clear" in there which solved the issue.
Overall I have to say I have damn impressed with DietPi. It's leaner and faster than Jessie/Stretch lite. Has lots of menus to help you install and configure things. Harder to break. Easier to setup than vanila Raspian.
(post is archived)