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Wired (wired.com)

USA today (usatoday.com)

The verge (theverge.com)

Jericho Pictures, company that was breeched. Site down. (jericopictures.com)

[Wired](https://www.wired.com/story/national-public-data-breach-leak/) [USA today](https://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/2024/08/15/social-security-hack-national-public-data-breach/74807903007/) [The verge](https://www.theverge.com/2024/8/16/24222112/data-breach-national-public-data-2-9-billion-ssn) [Jericho Pictures, company that was breeched. Site down.](https://www.jericopictures.com/)
[–] 2 pts

I completely stopped using 3rd party hosting solutions when I discovered how easy it was to deploy tiny SBCs like Raspberry PI and Libre computers. My sites receive little traffic. I don't even bother posting a privacy policy. So far, no one has cared or noticed.

[–] 2 pts

I don't want people hitting my home network for that. Hosting is $54 a year, it's worth that to have someone else take the abuse. Mine receives a decent amount, as in maybe 60-100 hits per post, and the remote host has better uptime than my home service.

I post the policy mostly because it's anti- everyone else. Mine says "Yeah, someone is going to fuck you. Too bad."

I do have some stuff running on my home network, but that's mostly just some crap that I use for testing ideas.