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[–] 2 pts

Cancer always spreads. This will soon be most of America. They’re just testing Portland. This is the For plan for all of America.

[–] 1 pt

Doubt it, the economy is propped up on lies. I envision inflation skyrocketing which turns to more riots and looting. I see a ultra violent mad max scenario happening pretty soon.

[–] 0 pt

The playbooks have been evolved. Meetings weekly. I doubt there will be a sure fire “point”. The plan has aspects we haven’t even thought up yet. After they’re implemented we will see someone has talked about it on here or on podcast. The whole point is to slowly get us into this decayed society where at no point big enough to draw the line. The slow boiling frog 🐸. And the the bubbles have started, and we are fucked. Resistance should have started the point of the first lockdown. Look at what they’ve gotten away with since the starting of this country. And the plans change and evolve. Now through the 60’s. Now from 2018. To now. It’s exponentially getting worse, and all we have now are few nurses holding signs outside. They know they have to be careful because america is still armed to the teeth. Australia and others aren’t so they turn up the heat quicker for them. They know civil u rest is inevitable but after couple weeks. People often grow tired and submit. This is a long run game. And time is on their side. Eventually the NWO will rise, Liberty will fall. Us and the others who refuse to get on board will be shipped to gulags, and the ones that escape will be forced underground. The audit that suppose to free us all of medical tyranny, debt slave banking, protect future elections, “save us all” from this fate is nothing more than a large dosage of hopeium. The news has, will spin the shit out of the audit, and it will be thrown around the senate for while, people will divide and it will be nothing more than a blimp on the heartbeat of history. Poison them with hopeium as you drive the knife in their hearts so to speak. We all know foreign influences that stole the election. Yet the news is the controller of minds. Any and all military action against the Biden regime will be met with their definition of treason. I follow that dude about “devolution”. I can’t help but to laugh at the imagination involved with such a concepts. I’d laugh actually, but it’s too sad to fathom. Evil doesn’t die, it just mutates. So after the main Covid is done with or not the hot topic, next is climate change and reparations for nigger slaves. Even though majority of Whites only Jewish cotton farmers, and super rich people owned them. Had nothing to do with slavery. Our money will be pulled hard to fix bad weather and give niggers more gibs, and the rest of the 80% tax rape will go into the pockets to start the NWO. The new normal is high taxed, vaccinated, mask wearing. Otherwise you won’t have job, can’t shop and soon be chased to gulag or underground. It’s all part of the plan and ‘‘twas written” thousands of years ago. Nothing you could have done to prevent it so there’s comfort in that. God save us all.

[–] 0 pt

Yeah the plan is set forth with globalhomo. I just don’t think it’s realistic for it to go to plan. But hey if you want to believe in it go right ahead. I’m living amongst the retards for some time now in a very left capitol city and I can see clear examples of it corroding from the inside out. Let’s just give it some time and let it fall under its own weight. And at very moment is when something needs to be done.