As I understand it: the Constitution for the united States of America will always stand, and it is the document that allows the federal government to exist within the republic. Under the provision of Article 1, section 8, clause 17: The Congress created a legislative democracy called United States (and is defined virtually everywhere as District of Columbia and it’s possessions [Guam, Puerto Rico, Virgin islands etc]) and they made a constitution (seemingly their articles of incorporation) called the Constitution of the United States, which is really a smoke screen that they technically can alter at anytime. It applies to their citizens; corporate persons that as men had no Citizenship aka “freed” slaves as found in their 14th amendment.
This was later expanded to virtually everyone via the social security act, as anyone who accepts benefits and privileges from United States is deemed a U.S. citizen and subject to the jurisdiction thereof. They further expanded their presumed reach by overlaying our land with federal zones. This is the purpose of the ZIP codes. They also created their own abbreviations for the state names. Ex: Calif. and Wash. in their jurisdiction are CA and WA.
Then there is also a Constitution of the United States of America, which I presume is for King George’s private society as detailed in the Definitive Treaty of Peace (aka Treaty of Paris).
The Constitution for the united States of America The Constitution of the United States of America The Constitution of the United States
The devil is in the details
Badlands Media (Rumble) just aired 2 of 3 parts on this on their devolution episodes this past week with Jon and Zak. The next Devolution episode is supposed to be part 3, the final part. There has been a lot of confusion in the past about a new constitution around 1871 (and a couple of other years), turns out after DC was created by Congress, the United States created a new constitution for DC. THAT was just a Municipal constitution such that DC could operate as it's own municipal city. Many have conflated that new constitution with replacing our original US Constitution at that time ... creating The United States Inc. ... which it didn't ... by conveniently omitting the word Municipal when discussing it. I highly recommend watching the Devolution episodes discussing this.
Nice I’ll have to check it out. And yes, as I was saying, their constitution is more of an article of incorporation. It didn’t and can’t replace the Constitution. They also franchised all the states and named them State of __ and effectively flipped government over. In their company it’s US, then State of ___ , then Persons; vs the republic being the people, then the states, and federal government at the bottom of the food chain.
Then there’s the bankruptcy of United States, Inc. and another company was made, UNITED STATES, INC and their franchises STATE OF ____ etc who oversaw the chapter 11 (debtor in possession) “reorganization”
What's your opinion of the 1871 theory?
Also, I don't believe I've seen your username. Lol
I’ve been here since Voat shut down but don’t really post often.
I’m assuming the 1871 theory is that DC incorporated and turned the whole geographical USA into a corporation? If so, then it’s not exactly correct. The act of 1871 allowed the 10 square miles known as DC to incorporate and dba United States. They enticed states to franchise in order to receive block grants and so State of Deleware, State of Wisconsin etc were formed. This is legally distinct from the state of Wisconsin.
They never technically replaced the de jure states or republic, but offer benefits and privileges to everyone so you will contract with them. The conditions stipulate that you must follow every rule regulation and statute they create. They create a “public transmitting utility” (a pseudonym) usually styled as First M Last which is a debtor; which is funny because the real you (via labor) is their creditor on the private side. But this didn’t come about for another 60 years or so with the central bank getting its 100 year charter.
Fascinating. I'm assuming you have a legal background?
(post is archived)