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She was going for two years but stopped early cuz she got psychologically damaged and started hating women.

She was going for two years but stopped early cuz she got psychologically damaged and started hating women.

(post is archived)

[–] 12 pts

She was play acting as a man. Her "depression" was caused IMO because she didn't have the real balls to "be" a man. I would probably read the book, but it's still through the eyes of a female, thus can never really express what men think. Most just keep getting up and doing whatever difficult task at hand without complaint.

[–] [deleted] 12 pts (edited )

She had serious mental issues to begin with. She did a good experiment, provided some insightful commentary, but ultimately couldn’t overcome the fact that she was living an emotionally and psychologically twisted life before, during, and after the experiment.

She was a product of current year.

We need God back in our society…

[–] 6 pts

We need God back in our society…


[–] 8 pts

for decades she was a radical feminist and the main point she was trying to prove when she dressed and acted like a man was how much easier it is to be a man in the modern world. what she discovered was the complete and total opposite. and she grew to detest women.

[–] 6 pts

She discovered what every man knows: being a manlet is a social death sentence, unless you are Tom Cruise.

[–] 4 pts

Aren't you a woman though? If you really are, then your assessment here is still not a proper view on a man's life and what men face. Sure most men get up everyday with many difficult tasks ahead of them which they do without complaint, but that's an oversimplification of reality. Only men know why they have these difficult tasks, why we get up everyday and do them and why we don't complain about it.

It's a very complex reality and no woman can truly see it from a man's perspective. The same goes for a man's perspective on a woman's reality, but that's not the topic at this moment so we'll save that for another day.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

Where do you guys get this "without complaint" shit? I complain all the time, under my breath. My inner voice is usually whoops all swear words.

[–] 1 pt

You might want to get your T level checked.

[–] 7 pts

Yeah, just no. OP is making the claim that LARPing as a guy is what drove her to kill herself, but there's no evidence of that provided. And as someone else points out the length of time between the 2 events makes you question whether the two are related.

[–] 6 pts

Dear lord our people are fucking retards.

She DID NOT kill her self BECAUSE of the experiment. First, she conducted the experiment almost 20 years ago. Second, the experiment went on for basically two years. Two years to do something like that is bloody impressive by any standard. Not a single one of our people picked a project and stuck with it for two years, that is for sure.

She did go into therapy after the experiment according to the documentary done on the book and her experience. However, she probably suffered from depression and other mental illnesses anyway. Her doctor assissted death could have been related to either ongoing mental issues or it could have been something along the lines of having cancer or other fatal and incurable medical issues.

Cindy Crawford also did the same experiement in the 90s for about two days. She had access to the best makeup/prostetics artists in the world and had her self made up like a man and did the whole walk around and be a man for two days. When she was interviewed about the experiment on a talk show she said that she was surprised how invisible men were. No one paid attention to them, no one cared as if they were totally invisible. Of course, Crawford is dead wrong because she doesn't have access to the invisible network of signals that we process all the time as we are always a walking threat of violence to others and other men against us and we are very directly hooked into what is going on around us all the time. Regardless, Crawfords point is still valid from a female perspective in the sense that civilization is not designed for us, it is designed by us for women.

The work that the lesbian did and the frankness and honesty with which she chose to tell mens story was eye opening for everyone, including most men. Most men live in the now and never consider what it means to be a man, and when they do (like in this pathetic thread) it's a shallow skin deep analysis worth nothing.

Sometimes you need someone from the outside to tell you about you so that you can start to really appreciate your own unique gifts and challenges in the world, and this woman helped in that regard.

Here is another lesbian talking about men and women in some rather broad but correct narrative strokes (7 min): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=14XnHufKDok

In that video Camille Paglia speaks about how men and women have ALWAYS basically existed in SEPARATE CULTURES. The modern conception of men and women living in close quarters for extended periods of time (at least for our white species of human) is a fairly new concept. For the last 10 000 years men mostly were out farming and beyond the 10 000 years out hunting and so forth while women mostly stayed in the village and tended to the day to day stuff. If you pay attention to the point that she is making, men and women co-evolved into what we are in very much that pattern. Men and women have COMPLETELY different cultures that are burried deep into our genomes, so much so that not only can this never be engineered out like the jewish cultists utopians have been trying to for the last 2000 years, true happiness lies in both of us recognizing the deep nature of those differences and leaning into them.

A lot of posts here are spending time commenting on the lesbians degeneracy. Sure fine, whatever, it's a trivial mark.

You guys should spend a bit more time thinking about what it means for the occasional bit of insight we can glean even from the degenerates. Study your enemy. Learn from them. Occasionally you will learn about your self.

[–] 4 pts

https://archive.ph/hyff2 NYT obituary

Doesn't back up what the screen cap said. But doesn't mean it isn't true. Could just be an omission.

I would be interested to read more about this if anyone has a link the collaborates it.

[–] 7 pts

'Self Made Man' came out in 2006.

From Kikepedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norah_Vincent#Later_work

Later work

Vincent later wrote two novels: Thy Neighbor (2012), described by The New York Times as "a dark, comic thriller," and Adeline (2015), which imagines the life of Virginia Woolf from when she wrote To the Lighthouse until her suicide in 1941. Personal life, views, and death

Vincent, a lesbian, was briefly married to Kristen Erickson, but they soon divorced.

Vincent was described as a libertarian who was critical of postmodernism and multiculturalism. She did not believe that transgender people were the sex they identified as, leading her to be accused of bigotry. In an article for The Village Voice, she wrote: "[Transsexuality] signifies the death of the self, the soul, that good old-fashioned indubitable 'I' so beloved of Descartes, whose great adage 'I think, therefore I am' has become an ontological joke on the order of 'I tinker, and there I am.'"

Vincent died via assisted death at a clinic in Switzerland on July 6, 2022, aged 53. Her death was not reported until August 2022.

I hesitate to connect her decision to a book she wrote 18 years earlier.

[–] 4 pts

Doesn't say she killed herself because she was treated poorly as a man.

[–] 1 pt

It wrote about it in great detail

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

A simple search proves it to be true. Why not look instead of assume?

[–] 5 pts

So you did the simple search and then didn't share your findings?

[–] 6 pts

I remembered her story from when it originally went around. What is described above fits with her original account. She was an unhappy person and did admit men have it profoundly harder than women.

Women in fact have it on easy mode. There are no humans on Earth who have it easier than American women. When they have a hard life, it's almost always self inflicted by way of feminism.

[–] 4 pts

Right... what a fag

There are hundreds of hits. Pick one and read it. You do use a search engine, right?

[–] 2 pts

I just pulled up the damn obituary that the screen cap mentions. I don't call that assuming. It wasn't there.

Ideally the OP should be posting the source when this kind of crap is posted in the first place.

[–] 1 pt

Obituaries rarely mention cause of death or motives for suicide, if applicable

[–] 2 pts

How so? The obit says she posed as a man, became depressed and killed herself. Seems pretty straight forward.

[–] 2 pts

It's conjecture

[–] 1 pt

What is conjecture? "Ms. Vincent died on July 6 at a clinic in Switzerland. She was 53. Her death, which was not reported at the time, was confirmed on Thursday by Justine Hardy, a friend. The death, she said, was medically assisted, or what is known as a voluntary assisted death." - NYTimes obit

[–] 4 pts

A bit of a shame. The world needs honest people, even if they are faggots.

[–] 2 pts

At least it wrote a book before it did the right thing

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

This is what I’ve been telling you freaks for a while, lesbianism is your friend. Lesbians relate to men more than women. They get you and the shit you have to put up with.

[–] 7 pts

lesbianism is your friend

If troons were the only issue then sure. But troons are just the next step in the drawn out destruction of the traditional family. Lesbians and faggots are not and will never be our friend.

They get you and the shit you have to put up with.

No they don't lmao.

[–] 5 pts

All women want a man's cock inside them. Lesbians lie about this to themselves. Lesbians lie to themselves and are mentally broken. They are not whole people and cannot be trusted. They live an empty, unfulfilled life. If they can't be honest with themselves there exists no reason to believe they can be honest with anyone.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

You're not really wrong, since lesbians probably own more dick-shaped dildos than straight women do. Most of them probably can't orgasm unless they're fantasizing about being raped.

Did you read the story, after only 18 months impersonating a man, she went to an insane asylum because of the pressures placed on white men.

[–] 3 pts

Lesbians don't exist. They are larping because of early abuse and/or rejection by males.

[–] 2 pts

Odd that being a woman didn’t give her an advantage

I once pretended to be a woman on the lesbian side of omegele chat only. I did nothing different in my approach other say I was a girl. The women were HIGHLY responsive, as men would expect they should be from the start. Always gearing the chat conversation to a call. Got it, was a girl on the other side.

[–] 2 pts (edited )

Since there are only two possible genders/sexes (same thing), it probably made her upset she wasn't as strong, durable or had as much endurance as the other men. I can imagine the frustration of being a biological woman and pretending to be a man and realizing men carry 90% of the physical workforce and being physically unable to keep up or be an equal.

I imagine it's similar to the frustration biological women feel when biological men pretend to be women and dominate them.

[–] 1 pt

men and women are different in every way. It really is that simple.

[–] 0 pt

It really isn't complicated until (((they))) eschewed biology and natural history to create mass confusion among the new generations. The biggest embarrassment is that Sloppy Joe's Supreme Court Judge doesn't even know what biology is and she's probably 60.

I'm half her age and when I was in high school I graduated with a triple science option of chemistry, physics and biology.

She is a complete puppet and moron because she taught even more non PC trash than I was.

Two genders, two sexes, 1 penis or 1 vagina is how you're born.

(((they))) might as well ditch the science completely or call it bio(((berg)))ology.


[–] 1 pt

Nothing you wrote is incorrect. Nothing.

[–] 2 pts

im laughing harder at this than the joke from the post before i hit reply.

[–] 1 pt

Pretty much the end of the road of the feminism journey for all these empowered millennial career women.

[–] 1 pt
[–] 2 pts

To be fair, she gets hilarious after about the 5 minute mark.

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