I really just do not care. These mentally ill morons have raped a lot of women and are just pissed off they are losing the opportunity to do so more.
They will finally be as popular as they've wanted their whole lives. I hope they make lots of new friends.
Won't someone think of the poor defenseless violent criminals.
They'll fit right in.
Though I suppose it'd really work the other way.
Crime doesn't pay, fella.
I'm assuming protective custody will be the rule of the day, so they can tend to their poopwounds in peace.
They should just have a small trans prison somewhere maybe on an old boat
What about the forever stinky front hole?
It shall remain forever stinky. I would assume that prisoners wouldn't much care in any case.
All this gay, lesbian, LGBT, trans shit is so fatiguing. I don't want to see anymore rainbow flags/signs. I especially don't want there to be a pride month. Send the whole psychotic nonsense back to the closest whence it came.
This should end well for them.