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[–] 4 pts 8mo

Every gay dude I have ever gotten to know past the superficial "at work" interaction and went out partying or something (INB4: not gay, like the FOH and BOH all go to the same bar and drink after work) - anytime they have led on into their younger lives they have been traumatized, molested, or both.

[–] 1 pt 8mo

I knew a gay guy that was not molested. He didn't do anything sexual until his 20s. He was raised in a Christian family with parents who were missionaries. He ended up with a man boobs and a feminine personality (not effeminate). He tried to pray the gay away, but that's not going to work when you're looking at gay porn. There are chemicals in the water that turn the frogs gay, and there are chemicals that turn the humans gay.

I also acknowledge the existence of rape and molestation and often times this gets people who shouldn't be gay to engage in gay sex. Then there's casting off boundaries and excess and desensitization often coming from excessive porn use. Add drugs and alcohol to the mix, and that can also contribute to screwing people up.

[–] 0 pt 8mo

Its all the age old question : "Nurture or Nature?" Was it environmental or was it inherent?

I personally have always believed that homosexuality is a natural population control mechanism since it is non-reproductive. It would be likely that in this context then, that a chemical or something becomes more or less prevalent that could predispose one towards homosexuality - like you said, turn the frogs gay. And yes, if this all is true, they would most DEFINITELY use it as a population control method. Thats just the "nature" part.

the "Nurture" is the porn brain, the fetishizing, the propaganda (Rainbow Mafia, sex sells, BBC race mixing for Whites, etc) and all the kike nonsense.

[–] 0 pt 8mo

I don't think it's genetic, but it's environmental chemical exposure interfering with proper development. It's most likely in the mother's womb, but it could also be after that in a child's earliest development. This will often produce people who are effeminate, have man boobs, a faggy voice, and other physical indicators (there's even a study on finger length).

[–] 3 pts 8mo

I have encountered one alphabet in my life who recognized boundaries and chose celibacy to avoid propagating degeneracy which was inflicted upon him as a child.

Every other one was some combination of suspected pedo or wanting to promote degenerate shit to children to propagate it.

Which is in line with other forms of child abuse. For every victim who was e.g. beaten as a child, only a minority will choose the boundary of "I will never use violence on a child and will ostracize anyone who does". The remainder are all repeating the behavior or apologetics for it. And thus abuse perpetuates itself.

[–] 1 pt 8mo

When the basis of what you're doing is immoral and unnatural, other boundaries don't matter.

[–] 1 pt 8mo

LoL! That flag in the fag's name..... Every Single Time