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Ye's tweet (pic8.co) - Raelism symbol (pic8.co)

Edit: Keep in mind, this tweet (pic8.co) started the ban hammer falling (1 (pic8.co), 2 (pic8.co)). But, Ye's last tweet was in fact this one (pic8.co), which was posted while the ban hammer was falling. (anon theory (pic8.co)) more details in this comment thread

Raelism was started by a jew (pic8.co). Tied to pedophilia. The founder married a 16 y/o girl as his 3rd/4th wife.

Found this book "Rael - The Masonic Messiah" which was linked on the wiki page about the founder of Raelism. The website it links to realrael.org, is a blank page. Looking at the an archive from 2008, I found the following page, with reference to the aforementioned book

Realrael.org, 2008 (pic8.co)

Full PDF of "Rael - The Massonic Messiah" (bibleetnombres.online.fr)

The bullet points are fascinating. Have not read the book yet

  • Why is the agenda of the ruling elite identical to that of the Raelians?
  • What is the Freemasonic “Great Work” all about?
  • Did the Prophets of old really exist, or were they just astrological allegories?
  • What is the occult (hidden) meaning of the name RA-EL?
  • How come all New Age religions share a Luciferic doctrine?
  • What was the true character of the alien Gods?
  • Are the E.T:s really from space, or manufactured here on Earth?
  • Are we really nothing more than biological Robots?

So many connections and references. Lord only knows what the truth is. Pray, bitches. Don't look to man for the answer.

@0K, @AOU

[Ye's tweet](https://pic8.co/sh/nYrvN6.jpeg) - [Raelism symbol](https://pic8.co/sh/LOhPXx.png) Edit: Keep in mind, [this tweet](https://pic8.co/sh/nYrvN6.jpeg) started the ban hammer falling ([1](https://pic8.co/sh/J5pAWY.jpg), [2](https://pic8.co/sh/uPdk66.jpeg)). But, Ye's last tweet was in fact [this one](https://pic8.co/sh/556gtO.jpeg), which was posted while the ban hammer was falling. ([anon theory](https://pic8.co/sh/Cv1Awh.jpg)) [*more details in this comment thread*](https://poal.co/s/KanyeGate/596880/5400347f-75df-4744-b739-e9b8a9430290#cmnts) Raelism was [started by a jew](https://pic8.co/sh/py1nCq.png). Tied to pedophilia. The founder married a 16 y/o girl as his 3rd/4th wife. Found this book "Rael - The Masonic Messiah" which was linked on the wiki page about the founder of Raelism. The website it links to realrael.org, is a blank page. Looking at the an archive from 2008, I found the following page, with reference to the aforementioned book [Realrael.org, 2008](https://pic8.co/sh/Qx7rL1.png) [Full PDF of "Rael - The Massonic Messiah"](http://www.bibleetnombres.online.fr/PDF7/rael_the_masonic_messiah.pdf) The bullet points are fascinating. Have not read the book yet > * Why is the agenda of the ruling elite identical to that of the Raelians? > * What is the Freemasonic “Great Work” all about? > * Did the Prophets of old really exist, or were they just astrological allegories? > * What is the occult (hidden) meaning of the name RA-EL? > * How come all New Age religions share a Luciferic doctrine? > * What was the true character of the alien Gods? > * Are the E.T:s really from space, or manufactured here on Earth? > * Are we really nothing more than biological Robots? So many connections and references. Lord only knows what the truth is. Pray, bitches. Don't look to man for the answer. @0K, @AOU

(post is archived)

[–] 10 pts

Raëlism, also known as Raëlianism, is a UFO religion that was founded in 1970s France by Claude Vorilhon, now known as Raël. Scholars of religion classify Raëlism as a new religious movement. The group is formalised as the International Raëlian Movement (IRM) or Raëlian Church, a hierarchical organisation under Raël’s leadership.

Raëlism teaches that an extraterrestrial species known as the Elohim created humanity using their advanced technology. An atheistic religion, it believes that the Elohim have historically been mistaken for gods. It holds that throughout history the Elohim have created forty Elohim/human hybrids who have served as prophets preparing humanity for news about their ultimate origins. Among those listed as prophets are The Buddha, Jesus of Nazareth, and Muhammad, with Raël himself being the fortieth and final prophet. Raëlists believe that since the Hiroshima bomb of 1945, humanity has entered an Age of Apocalypse in which it is threatening itself with nuclear annihilation. It argues that humanity must find a way of harnessing new scientific and technological development for peaceful ends, and that once this has been achieved the Elohim shall return to Earth to share their technology with humanity and usher in a utopia. To this end, the Raëlians have been committed to building an embassy for the Elohim, incorporating a landing pad for the latter’s spaceship. Raëlians promote a liberal ethical system with a strong emphasis on sexual experimentation, engage in daily meditation, and hope for physical immortality through human cloning.

So, jewish scientology?

[–] 7 pts

Yeah, pretty much. Some weird shit.

Intersting that the name is "RAEL"


[–] [deleted] 3 pts

So scientology.

[–] 2 pts

"Jewish Scientology" is pretty redundant, yeah.

[–] 0 pt

So scientology

Yeah, I thought about editing it but left it. Silly me.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

They ain't keepin it rael!

[–] 0 pt

Oh is rael all right.

Is-rael, indeed.

[–] 2 pts

Pretty sure he just wanted to piss off kikes and searched jewgle for "swastika in star of david"

[–] 1 pt

Not disagreeing with you there. Just some info I found when looking into the rael stuff after one of @aou's earlier comments

[–] 2 pts

Baby Eve's 21st birthday is this mo th, I think. The first clone... they claim.

The clones all went to Israel to avoid examination/proof.

The rabbit hole is pretty deep regarding Raelians and they praise Elon Musk, who, seemingly, has a Jewish handler like Ye.

Now... just a thought... I'm not married to the idea...

What if Musk and West planned this together to expose and put pressure on Elons handler, so he could get free(ish) from the handlers' grasp.

Whatever the case, there are layers of subterfuge and kabuki theater... but the truth is presented to us in these final series of tweets. It's in there, somewhere.

At the other end of the spectrum, the whole thing could simply have been to bad jacket Trump with a Hitler lover.

[–] 1 pt

Not to mention the whole Elon mars prophecy. Does Emmanuel have raelien connections

[–] 1 pt

Made a short post about them yesterday: https://poal.co/s/KanyeGate/596850

Recent archive of ther website: https://archive.ph/ts56C

Here is a tweet from some guy that claims they are a "tax exempt organization": https://pic8.co/sh/OfQk6f.jpg

It all REEKS of kikes if you ask me.

Kanye is just another kike owned chipper ready pedo satanist.

[–] 0 pt

Probably. However, I don't trust him. Also, he has niggerish temper. But for now, he shakes media in good direction, for rest we will see.

[–] 0 pt

Well, this symbol is well designed, from technical point of view. Like all other YE "designs" this are work of someone else, with talent, knowledge. For God's sake Ye don't have even one good song. I don't listen this rap, hip-hop, etc. bullshit, but from time to time there is some "song" which aren't just savage noise ( mean when black steal someone else good music and sell it as his own creation ).

Same is with his "fashion" design... I seriously doubt that he ever makes something on his own.

So, there are only two possibilities: Ye somewhere see this symbol and steal it; Ye hire someone else, and this person steal this design

Professional graphic designer for sure know for this design, also designers nowadays easy check is his design already in usage. Copyright issues are very expensive, and scandal can ruin career forever, not worth of risk. However, in both cases this symbol is chosen intentionally. You can "connect" star and svastika in many ways, I see earlier some T shirts with same idea but different design. Only question is why? Why is chosen symbol of some small obscure sect? Bot Ye and his designer know that internet know everything, and that origin will be easily discovered. I personally never before hear about this sect, at least don't remember. But internet find answer quickly.

[–] 1 pt

doubt he did anything more than just look it up and post it. or was shown the image and then posted it because it lends to his point about the whole calling someone a nazi is meaningless thing.

Same is with his "fashion" design... I seriously doubt that he ever makes something on his own.

In his recent interviews he's clearly stated that he doesn't "cut," and he admires the talent of those who can. He's the person who finds talent and puts it all together.

[–] 0 pt

Yap, but there are other ways to design this stuff, like I say. No need to use same design as this weird cult. With his money and fame he can hire talented graphic designer to make more "original" design. Except he did it intentionally, or simply don't care, just: "I like it, gib me dat"

For the rest.... In "good old times" fashion designers actually "do cut", at least in beginning of career. But this is bullshit. Look, Elon aren't engineer, he just employs people which have knowledge. But Fashion is some kind of "art". Not pure tech. No one expect that CEO of some tech company actually are expert in tech. Apples and oranges. He "admires" real designers, but in same time take credits for his visions, courage, originality, yada, yada. Spare me this bullshit.

Good grief White people, this is a game this nigger is playing. Ignore this shit.

[–] 1 pt

how do you know I'm white?

i was referring to Kanye West. i think he's actually ridiculing Whites with his "White lives matter" and having fun antagonizing jews. He's getting tons of attention and probably making plenty of money off it.

[–] 1 pt

he explains why he wore the white live matter T shirt in the drink champs interview, if I recall corectly.

From what I remember it was something he had to do for trump to get his kids back, or some shit. I don't really keep up.

[–] 0 pt

I wouldn't mind starting my own religion, if I thought it could do some good in the world. But I don't want to start some shitty cult religion like this Rael nonsense. I'd start a religion that was based on sound moral principles, as communicated by God to mankind over thousands of years.

It's a mystery why some new religions prosper and most fall by the wayside after the death of their founder. Because most flounder for loss of their founder. Only a very few can outlive the men who created them.

A couple or three examples -- Scientology, created by SF writer L. Ron Hubbard as a cynical money-making fraud that induced members to spill their guts about their past lives, which were recorded, and then used to blackmail them; Mormanism, created by spirit medium Joseph Smith, who talked to spirits through a rock, which he placed in his top hat; Wicca, created by Gerald Gardner, an eccentric Englishman who like to run around naked and enjoyed a little light corporal punishment to stimulate the blood. All three were nutballs, but the religions created by all three are still around, long after their deaths.