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[–] 6 pts

Lots to chew on. Some of that seemed to gloss over points, such as the kings of Israel being of the tribe of Judah, and Christ being of Judah.

Also, while I get that it was a short video, there was no mention of the “reunification” after the Babylonian exile. And Paul, the Benjamite, was a Pharisee who persecuted Christians before his conversion.

Further, Paul does call himself a “Jew” in Acts 22:3 “ἐγώ εἰμι ἀνὴρ Ἰουδαῖος” or “I am man (anthro) jew (Ioudaios).” And Acts is both canonical as well as written by the non-Israelite Luke.

This is not a dismissal. It’s a discussion because I want to be able to use these points to discuss with my friends and family, and they must be unassailable, or else any one faltering will result in my whole argument being tossed out.

This is an attempt at tearing down years and decades of wrong thinking that’s been hammered into their heads by the media and even the mistaken or even complicit church leadership. So, I hope to be able to really calcify the points and ensure they are fully accurate.

[–] 3 pts (edited )

Jew has only existed for around 1000 years. It's not biblical. Judeans and Judahites is biblical. Jews are the Edomites, Canaanites, and others, including the people God commanded be genocide. The "jew" vs "judahite" conflation is much of their power over man (Adamites).


This series of links confirms ashkenazi are Turks and are simply pharisee converts. Likewise the others are canaanites arabs ("mixed"). They are not Judahites.

[–] 2 pts

Correct in message, kind of. A lot of it is EXTREMELY wrong though. It tries to nitpick on jew this that and the other in the bible. It tries to say (IIRC) nonsense about 12 "tribes" of jews. These are false pieces of information that are (((misconstrued))) as crypto facts. 12 tribes were 12 Christian families of Judea. In places where the Holy Bible is (((translated))) to say jew it should be replaced with either Judea(n) if in a positive light or pharisee if a negative light. The most notable example of this, which should prove my statement correct to anyone who is more than an NPC is Rev 3.9. sephardi jews are equal to muh ashkenazi jews in their crypto behavior, their wanton jealousy and hatred of Whites etc. Too many people here fall for otherwise.

[–] 2 pts

Great video. I didn't know most of this.

[–] 0 pt

You really should spend time with the links I've collected. This video is but one of many.


[–] 2 pts

TY @starjello for posting. A lot to digest and research.

[–] 1 pt

Question. So we’re all Hebrew and/or Israelites and Jews are not ?

[–] 0 pt

You are correct. According to Jesus, Jews are the children of Satan who have made false claims of lineage and right of rule. They openly question Jesus, proclaiming, "we too are the children of Abraham." And Jesus says, bullshit, "you are the children of satan", and that, "you are as you father, murderers and liars."


If your church isn't teaching this in the bible, I'd argue it isn't a Christian church.

[–] 0 pt

All rabbis and feds until proven based.


[–] 0 pt

Hey Moshe, shot me a PM, instead of creating multiple accounts.

[–] 0 pt

Hi Aou. So let me ask you something directly. Since you have banned us, banned our urls, banned the 69 accounts...

We are no feds or fags... then what is this platform about?

What is this literally Jidf, Fort Bragg, all you needed to do was watch the vides and encourage us.

Why not. Glad that your surveillance tickrs are tip top but how does that serves us or the cause I do not know.

Are we done here? Are you a qfag or part of Z? At least speak up. I told you who we are. You did not.

Who is a rabbi? Our work is out there for everybody to see....

Lets talk.

[–] 0 pt

Pm done. Very unhappy about your service sir. We are inquiring in this situation. Open for talks.