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[–] 3 pts

I've been on a jury in a self defense case. He very likely won't get off on all charges unless half of the jury are concealed carriers, even then he may get stuck with something out of fear of intimidation/fall out from the public.

The best Kyle can realistically hope for is that he only gets non felony charges (not sure what all he's being charged with). I really hope he doesn't get stuck with anything that is further life changing for him. He's clearly justified.

Sitting in front of a jury is a terrible option. If you are ever charged and you know the judge is honest, request a trial by judge.

[–] 2 pts

11 women and 1 man. (on the jury)

They saw everything. All the evidence. There is no other conclusion to come to except NOT GUILTY. Self defense.

Those women may be liberals... they may support NLM... but they know, deep down, that they want a kid like Kyle defending them against the communist bolsheviks that are running our government today.

Free Kyle! \o

[–] 4 pts

I worry you may be giving the women too much credit. They don't have foresight.

[–] 0 pt

They don't have foresight.

And they're also being threatened by antifa, blm, and alphabet agencies.

[–] 2 pts

He’ll probably be acquitted on the big charges but they’ll get them for something, you can count on that. They just introduced a bunch of lesser charges. That and his defense screwed him at the very end. Some of those new charges hold jail time

[–] 2 pts

They just introduced a bunch of lesser charges.

How is that even allowed in a "just" system? Like, ok, here, 5 more charges on top of the other charges. Get through four of them? Here's another 27 charges.

[–] 1 pt

I know, I can’t believe that it’s allowed . It allows anyone who knows they’re going to lose the trial to just keep throwing charges at the wall until something sticks. It’s extremely slimy

[–] 1 pt

Right? Why did his defense team fuck him over at the end?

[–] 1 pt

Yeah, and Xiden will never be President


[–] 0 pt

That pedo? He's not the president no matter what you say. Trump sucked, but he won reelection. This current figurehead is just a slap in the face to all voters. This old pedophile and his (POC/Female) VP are a joke. It's the jews grinding your face in a diaper full of baby shit. ...and we're all eating it. haha...not funny.

[–] 0 pt

Trump won, but has 0 power. Fact. And Demorats will get even more brazen about stealing elections, cuz ain't nuthin gonna happen to [them].

[–] 0 pt

\o was he acquitted?

[–] 0 pt


[–] 1 pt

_o well lets hope either he gets aquitted or Murica steps in and lynches everyone who jailed him.