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Affirmative Action may have replaced most of our federal work force, but there is still, I think, a nucleus of real men running the agency. Why don't you spys start killing the rich jews that are destroying our nation? It's not whose side you're on... it's a matter of what's right and wrong.

Before you can join the FBI, you are given a morality test. Remember?

Affirmative Action may have replaced most of our federal work force, but there is still, I think, a nucleus of real men running the agency. Why don't you spys start killing the rich jews that are destroying our nation? It's not whose side you're on... it's a matter of what's right and wrong. Before you can join the FBI, you are given a morality test. Remember?

(post is archived)

[–] 6 pts

For the past few decades the purpose of the FBI is to cover up crimes committed by democrat politicians, and to persecute their opponents.

[–] 2 pts

Both sides... They cover for both sides.

[–] 1 pt

Well... I guess I can't blame them. This is not America anymore.

Homo marriage, Legalized racism against White people, Open borders, CRT, Life in prison + 419 years for a car accident.

Yeah... the communists won. They own my country. I will fight to defeat it, not defend it.

[–] 0 pt

Run. This place will soon be a murder-hole. No one worth a damn is going to make it. Some good people need to get out. At least consider it.

[–] 1 pt

That is true, but that is not their fucking job. And they know it.

[–] 3 pts

All three belong to a Jewish terrorist organization called antifa.

What are the odds?

Judeo-antifa Judeo-Marxism Judeo-communism Judeo-blm Judeo-adl

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

FBI and CIA are owned by the jews. Same for all European agencies.

[–] 1 pt

I'll tell you the odds: it's 0.02 x 0.02 x 0.02 = 0.000008, or 1:125,000.

[–] 0 pt

0.02 is right. 2% of the population of America. 320 million of us. That means (oh shit) about 6 million jews.

What are the odds that all 3 scumbags shot were jews? 0.02 / 320,000,000 = 16,000,000,000

The odds that all 3 scumbags shot in Kenosha were jews is 1:16 billion. ONE in SIXTEEN BILLION. ...you have a better chance of winning a million dollar lottery ticket on the same day you got struck by lightning after a shark bit you.

[–] 0 pt

The probability of repeatedly selecting something over n trials is the probability of selecting one raised to the power equal to the number of trials. For something with a 0.02 probability, such as a random person selected from the population being Jewish, the probability of selecting 3 jews in a row is 0.023, or 0.000008. 0.000008 = 1:125,000.

[–] 1 pt

They instigate not investigate.

[–] 0 pt

Like those terrorists in that militia that planned to kidnap Whitmer which the MSM spread the lie that they were right wing based simply on the word militia even though the leader was a known antifa member and 2 of the others were frequently photographed and filmed at burn loot murder rallies and had social media profiles filled with leftist propaganda.

[–] 0 pt

Weren't two of them sex offenders as well?

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

one was a pedo

[–] 0 pt

Brain-shot was a pedo. Skateboard was a child molester. No-arm is a half kike queer with miles of dick down his throat.

[–] 0 pt

No skateboard was a serial woman beater. No arm was a recidivist illegally armed home invader and burglar. The guy who fired the first warning shot thay propted the the Kenosha Kid to stop and turn around was a junkie with his broodmaid who had an illegally obtained and possessed habdgun because he was a felon as well, and a junkie who not only had a warrant out but also he and his broodmaid had their entire brood confiscated by the gubmint. They conveniently "lost" the fun 2 days before they were arrested. The corrupt demonrat DA dropped their charges.

[–] 0 pt

None of it as real. It is all a scam to make you think it is real.