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Every supermarket and mom&pop (pakistani) store is being filmed 24/7. A nigger may rape and kill a White girl, but anyone fucking with the corporate product will be hunted down and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law... if you are White.

The FBI works for the NWO. They are both enemies. Maybe Trump can save us. Maybe they'll let Ron Paul run again and save us from the inevitable financial disaster that this fiat currency carries.

Guess what? ...civilization has already collapsed. We're living in the ruins.

At least the EBT cards are still working.

Every supermarket and mom&pop (pakistani) store is being filmed 24/7. A nigger may rape and kill a White girl, but anyone fucking with the corporate product will be hunted down and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law... if you are White. The FBI works for the NWO. They are both enemies. Maybe Trump can save us. Maybe they'll let Ron Paul run again and save us from the inevitable financial disaster that this fiat currency carries. Guess what? ...civilization has already collapsed. We're living in the ruins. At least the EBT cards are still working.

(post is archived)

[–] 8 pts

Just don't buy it. You fuck up the production logistics right up the entire chain straight to the VP's office. All of that decision making is based on estimates of future sales. They have to buy supplies today for what they expect to sell tomorrow.

They don't even begin to see the results until bottles start stacking up in the warehouses. They already purchase supplies for next quarter before they get the message "Opps, we couldn't sell what we've already made and the warehouse is full."

Suddenly they start offering discounts like crazy, but vendors will not restock if they cannot sell what they already have. In fact, they'll start reducing floor space themselves, because retail floor space has to generate money per square foot to pay the bills. If the pop doesn't sell, the fridges get yanked.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

You sir, are a genius and a seer. You have laid out a roadmap for positive change. Great work! Just extrapolate this to all aaspects of the system and BAM! We have a revolution on our hands.

[–] 2 pts

Best comment

[–] 3 pts

Yes, but it's only effective if it's a perma-ban. Never buy another coca-cola product again for the rest of your life. Be outspoken whenever you see friends/family enjoying their product. Dump that liquid sugar jew down the drain. Drive that kike-owned corporation out of business.

They want war? This is war.

[–] 3 pts

That will work for close friends, but I interact with too many normies each day. We should be talking about the negative health impacts of this jew crap as well.

War it is.

[–] 4 pts

Just make a pack of stickers saying, "niggers only". Covertly slap them on the bottles and boxes.

[–] 2 pts

its fine. only a regular white person wouldnt do that. be less white, open all the bottles.

[–] 1 pt

You think it's okay to go in there and destroy their product which they worked for and paid for? You are a trashy pile of shit.

[–] 2 pts

Came to this thread because you tried to vote brigade this guy. Well he got my upvote because of your pissing and moaning.

War is messy. If you don't like it, go back to Israel.

[–] 2 pts

Covering your flanks is a defensive tactic of White people. Thanks for your support.

[–] 1 pt

Not only are you wrong but I did not even downvote it. Fool. You do realize we do not allow brigading here right? Your ass will get banned if you even try it once.

[–] 1 pt

So bitching about someone being trash and posting a link to their comment isn't implicit brigading?

Not only are you a fucking faggot lying sack of shit but you're bad at lying.

Fuck you you fucking kike.

or assume the FBI is setting up conservative the same way they setup militias and people joining peace clubs in the 60's. I for one only really listen to people I've known for years and not someone that's on the internet. Setup, like the dems care who is entrapped or not if you bite they reel you in and then show everyone the evil conservatives that are plannng against them since they recorded the entire thing realtime. Anyone that plans on a phone or computer is already arrested they don't just know it yet. Just everyone sit and don't get froggy since the evil ones are in the control room. When they go to far and hurt the wrong person they're own people will take them out or everyone will rise unified fuck everything, just americans taking out the trash.

[–] 1 pt

Agreed more or less. What the hell is with placing faith in Trump though?

[–] 2 pts

"maybe trump can save us" was tongue-in-cheek.

I voted for him, but after 4 years of sucking israel cock, I'm glad there is a real fake president in there. All illusions of an America of, by and for the people can be put to rest. The jews are running this show and they will continue to run it until we rise up en masse and put an end to their occupation.

[–] 1 pt

SoWeGa is ready!

[–] 1 pt

CenFla standing by!

Wear a cap and a bandana face mask. Let them try to ID you.

[–] 1 pt

finger prints.

Did you know the reason there are ridges on coins is because jew merchants had a habit of shaving a little silver, a little gold off every coin that came into their possession? Truth.

[–] 1 pt

They'd probably hit you with a felony food tampering charge for that shit.

[–] 2 pts

If you're White, you'll go to jail for life +450 years.

If you're a nigger, you can lick all the ice cream you want and it will be excused due to 'systemic racism'.

................how the fuck did we let these kikes take over our country?

[–] 1 pt

People like Rockwell spoke up but America didn't listen. By the time most of us were born, it was too late.

[–] 0 pt

As they should

[–] 1 pt

It's vandalism really.

You aren't adding a harmful substance to the food. Flat pop isn't going to harm anyone.

[–] 1 pt

Think of the carbonation as tiny bubble-slaves. All you're doing by opening the caps on those jew products is freeing the gas babies.

[+] [deleted] 0 pt