(Edited to add more related at the bottom. Still more that could be added.)
Related: American Civil War - Ulysses S. Grant expels jews from his military district
Ulysses S. Grant and General Orders No. 11
On December 17, 1862, Grant issued General Orders No. 11, which stated: “The jews, as a class, violating every regulation of trade established by the Treasury Department, and also Department orders, are hereby expelled from the Department.”
The order was immediately controversial and received condemnation from the jewish community. At least thirty jewish families living in Paducah, Kentucky (located within Grant’s military department) were forced to move from their homes. Newspapers heavily criticized Grant for his orders, and he was nearly censured by Congress. Politicians, including President Lincoln, were bombarded by the jewish community with protests over Grant’s orders. There were many soldiers serving in the Union armies who were jewish, and it did not seem to be right to be fighting for a country that was expelling their own people.
President Lincoln immediately had General Henry Halleck order Grant to rescind General Orders No. 11. These orders became a stain on Grant’s reputation for the rest of his life.
"There were many soldiers serving in the Union armies who were jewish"
Yeah, not likely. I would need to see some proof of this claim as something that occurred as the jews always exempt themselves from having to fight in their own wars due to the main purpose of them being to genocide more Aryan men.
- Anti-Semitism in the United States: General Grant’s Infamy
https://archive.today/WHRM5 - Ulysses S. Grant and General Orders No. 11 (U.S. National Park Service)
https://archive.today/efNcb - Union General Ulysses S. Grant expels jews from his military district
https://archive.today/Bxwy7 - During the Civil War, Gen. Ulysses Grant Began Expelling Southern jews—Until Lincoln Stepped In
https://archive.today/Zui1Y - Father Abraham [Lincoln] & the Children of israel: Order No. 11
(I don't think that kike site is a banned domain. Went through 10 pages of site log to double check and didn't see it. I only removed the https from the direct links to these sites to prevent someone from accidentally clicking/tapping them, not to circumvent banned domains. Previewing the post with the links active didn't mention containing banned links, so I think it might not be banned.)
More related:
- American Civil War and the kikes - Rothschilds controlled both North and South
https://poal.co/s/Jewspiracy/693430 | https://pic8.co/sh/KI9rNE.jpg | https://take-me-to.space/ocWSkAMu.jpeg
(archive.today) - American Civil War and the kikes - American Civil War was a judeo-masonic plot
https://poal.co/s/JewishHistory/294229 | https://pic8.co/sh/EpQ8on.jpg | https://take-me-to.space/xRpGi2Vv.jpg
- American Civil War and the kikes - conspiracy of Lincoln assassination
https://pic8.co/sh/DyUjHN.jpg | https://take-me-to.space/dcTsYkE.jpeg
- American Civil War had zero benefit to Whites, only slaughtered White men and produced ungrateful narcissists
https://poal.co/s/Niggers/546122 | https://pic8.co/sh/mBy04Y.jpg | https://take-me-to.space/tbsL8tC.jpeg
- jews Caused The Civil War | jew World Order (Jesus called them the Synagogue Of Satan)
"In this 12-part essay from Willie Martin of jew Watch is the entire history of how, when and why the Civil War was perpetrated upon the united states." - How the jews Caused the American Civil War
(NOT HTTPS) http://eurofolkradio.com/2016/07/13/jews-caused-american-civil-war/