This is pretty good.
Some mistakes:
1918: He forgot the German civil war on the heels of the establishment of the German Communist Party; Russian revolutionaries led by Rosa Luxembourg et al killed almost a million Germans and controlled Berlin for 9 months before being squashed.
Kalergi is NOT a jew, this is common disinfo jews add themselves to discredit you. Kalergi was a mixed race Austro-Japanese who was also a Judeophile who believed jews were the natural rulers of humanity. Also his prize is NOT called "The Kalergi Award/Prize" - it is called "The Charlemagne Award" and its first recipient was Kalergi himself.
1920: It wasn't the "nazi" party, it was the DAP. And it was founded in 1919, not 1920.
Thanks, PartyLikeIts1488.
Always appreciate real history posts. Saved.
I call them "rotniggers" for a reason.
Family Friends Community Wrapped in Faith
My takeaway from this is that jewish infiltration in world government politics and finances is so entwined with reality that it would be close to impossible, at this stage, to reverse the action without a major catastrophic resetting of the world. The jew can only be defeated today through enlightenment on the issue and prayer that sometime in the future Whites are given this reset. As we see this process has been going on for 1000 years, probably longer. So for now we must wait, do good by ourselves and our kin, and hope for brighter days.
We have a Christian duty to drive back the darkness by presenting and living the Light of Jesus Christ founded upon study of the Word and prayer. Our early Church Fathers endured similar suffering under jewish manipulations.
That said, we are fortunate to have the Hope of Heaven, as well as the promise of Christ returning to obliterate these vile and wicked vermin. Blood will flow and rise to a horse’s bridle.
Stay strong. I’m praying for all of my White Christian brothers.
Another takeaway might be what was called: "The Night of the Long Knives", in which the NSDAP consolodated power by eliminating its enemies.
(post is archived)